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mokken (version 3.1.2)

autonomySupport: Autonomy Support Data


A two-level dataset with scores of 14 teachers who are rated by a group of pupils on 7 items from a Dutch Autonomy Support questionnaire (group size ranged between 5 and 39 pupils, total number of pupils is 259).





A 259 by 8 data frame containing integers. The first column reflects a teacher indicator, the remaining columns the 7 items, see colnames(autonomySupport).


Each item has five ordered answer categories from not at all/never (score 1) to certainly/always (score 5). The items reflect several autonomy supportive behaviours from teachers.

Item 1ChooseThe teacher lets me choose what I am going to do
Item 2DecideThe teacher decides which task I will start with (inversely coded)
Item 3TaskI get to choose which task I will start with
Item 4ListenThe teacher listens to me when I disagree with something
Item 5HelpThe teacher helps me when I ask for it
Item 6AcceptThe teacher accepts me for who I am
Item 7UnderstandThe teacher helps me when I do not understand a task


Koopman, L., Zijlstra, B. J. H. & Van der Ark, L. A., (2019). Standard errors of two-lvel scalability coefficients. British Journal of Statistical and Mathematical Psychology, 73, 213-236. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/bmsp.12174")

See Also



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