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mokken (version 3.1.2)

check.bounds: Check the relative lower bound for scalability coefficients


Returns the relative bounds for Mokken's scalability coefficients for dichotomous items as described by Ellis (2014).


check.bounds(X, quant = .90, lower = TRUE, upper = FALSE)


List containing two lists UpperBounds and LowerBounds, each containing a list of two J x J matrices (J = number of items):

L1rij (overestimator of the lower bound for the correlation) and

L2rij (underestimator of the lower bound for the correlation).



matrix or data frame of numeric data containing the responses of nrow(X) respondents to ncol(X) items. Missing values are not allowed


numerical value between 0 and 1 used for the computation of lower bound L2rij. The computation deviates somewhat from the proposal in Ellis (2014) because the stats function quantile is used.


Boolean: If TRUE, the lower bounds are given.


Boolean: If TRUE, the upper bounds are given.


L. A. van der Ark L.A.vanderArk@uva.nl


Ellis, J. L. (2014). An inequality for correlations in unidimensional monotone latent variable models for binary variables. Psychometrika, 79, 303-316. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/S11336-013-9341-5")


Run this code
Communality <- acl[,1:10]
R <- cor(Communality)
res <- check.bounds(Communality, upper = TRUE)
L1rij <- res$LowerBounds$L1rij
L2rij <- res$LowerBounds$L2rij
U1rij <- res$UpperBounds$U1rij
U2rij <- res$UpperBounds$U2rij
# Correlations that meet L1rij (possibly an overestimation of the lower bound). 
R >= L1rij 
# Correlations that meet U1rij (possibly an overestimation of the upper bound). 
R <= U1rij 
# Correlations that meet L2rij (possibly an underestimation of the lower bound). 
R >= L2rij 
# Correlations that meet U2rij (possibly an underestimation of the upper bound). 
R <= U2rij 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab