a color with which to replace the lower
end of the scale.
a color with which to replace the upper
end of the scale.
logical indicating whether the palette
should be inverted.
the exponent to use for each channel when
converting to greyscale, such that grey =
(red^gamma + green^gamma + blue^gamma) ^ (1/gamma).
the alpha transparency for the palette.
A character vector of color names. This can be used either
to create a user-defined color palette for subsequent
graphics by palette(cv), a
col = specification in graphics functions or in
The colormap is isoluminent and perceived by those with a
red-green color perception deficiency as a linear ramp
between blue and yellow. However, the colormap has been
enriched with a red control point for those with normal
color vision, with the shade carefully chosen to avoid
creating a non-linear ramp for those with red-green color
perception deficiency. As the color map is isoluminent, it
will appear as one shade of grey across the entire range
when printed on a black & white printer.