Produce a random function that is the sum of Gaussian random variables
rpoly2 generates a random 2nd degree polynomial (as a function)
rfun(vars = ~x & y, seed = NULL, n = 0)
rpoly2(vars = ~x & y, seed = NULL)
a function with the appropriate number of inputs
a function defined by a 2nd degree polynomial
with coefficients selected randomly according to a Unif(-1,1) distribution.
a formula; the LHS is empty and the RHS indicates the variables used
for input to the function (separated by &)
seed for random number generator, passed to set.seed().
the number of Gaussians. By default, this will be selected randomly.
rfun is an easy way to generate a natural-looking but random function with ups and downs
much as you might draw on paper. In two variables, it provides a good way to produce
a random landscape that is smooth.
Things happen in the domain -5 to 5. The function is pretty flat outside of that.
Use seed to create a fixed function that will be the same for everybody
These functions are particularly useful for teaching calculus.