A plot method to visualise the results of a bglmnet
# S3 method for bglmnet
interactive = FALSE,
classic = NULL,
tag = NULL,
shiny = FALSE,
which = c("vip", "boot", "boot_size"),
width = 800,
height = 400,
fontSize = 12,
left = 50,
top = 30,
chartWidth = "60%",
chartHeight = "80%",
axisTitlesPosition = "out",
dataOpacity = 0.5,
options = NULL,
hAxis.logScale = TRUE,
text = FALSE,
backgroundColor = "transparent",
legend.position = "right",
jitterk = 0.1,
srt = 45,
max.circle = 15,
min.prob = 0.1,
object, the result of bglmnet
the name of a variable that will be highlighted.
logical. If interactive=TRUE
googleVis plot is provided instead of the base graphics plot.
Default is interactive=FALSE
logical. Depricated. If classic=TRUE
base graphics plot is provided instead of a googleVis plot.
For now specifying classic
will overwrite the
default interactive
behaviour, though this is
likely to be removed in the future.
Default NULL. Name tag of the objects to be extracted from a gvis (googleVis) object.
The default tag for is NULL, which will
result in R opening a browser window. Setting tag='chart'
or setting options(gvis.plot.tag='chart')
is useful when
googleVis is used in scripts, like knitr or rmarkdown.
Default FALSE. Set to TRUE when using in a shiny interface.
a vector specifying the plots to be output. Variable
inclusion type plots which = "vip"
or plots where the size
of the point representing each model is proportional to selection
probabilities by model size which = "boot_size"
or by penalty paramter which = "boot"
Width of the googleVis chart canvas area, in pixels. Default: 800.
Height of the googleVis chart canvas area, in pixels. Default: 400.
font size used in googleVis chart. Default: 12.
space at left of chart (pixels?). Default: "50".
space at top of chart (pixels?). Default: "30".
googleVis chart area width.
A simple number is a value in pixels;
a string containing a number followed by %
is a percentage.
Default: "60%"
googleVis chart area height.
A simple number is a value in pixels;
a string containing a number followed by %
is a percentage.
Default: "80%"
Where to place the googleVis axis titles, compared to the chart area. Supported values: "in" - Draw the axis titles inside the the chart area. "out" - Draw the axis titles outside the chart area. "none" - Omit the axis titles.
The transparency of googleVis data points, with 1.0 being completely opaque and 0.0 fully transparent.
a list to be passed to the googleVis function giving
complete control over the output. Specifying a value for
overwrites all other plotting variables.
logical, whether or not to use a log scale on the horizontal axis. Default = TRUE.
the y limits of the which="boot"
logical, whether or not to add text labels to classic
boot plot. Default = FALSE
The background colour for the main area of the chart. A simple HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Default: 'transparent'
the postion of the legend for classic plots.
Default legend.position="right"
alternatives include
and legend.position="bottom"
amount of jittering of the model size in the lvk and boot plots. Default = 0.1.
when text=TRUE
, the angle of rotation for the text labels.
Default = 45.
determines the maximum circle size. Default = 15.
lower bound on the probability of a model being selected. If
a model has a selection probability lower than min.prob
it will not be
further arguments (currently unused)