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Computes the pth quantile and variances for groups of given samples in one-way anova layout. It has option for right censored data.
mcpqest(y, f, event = NULL,
Right.Censored = FALSE, p = 0.5, ...)
a list with elements:
a numeric vector, the point estimates of quantiles for each factor level.
a numeric vector, the variance estimates for each factor level.
a numeric vector, the sample size of each factor level
a numeric vector, the response variable. If Right.Censored = True, y is non-negative follow up time for right censored in survival data.
a factor variable of the same length as y, assigning the observations in y into k groups.
a binary variable indicating status for right censored data. Usually, 1 if event of interest has occurred (death = 1) and 0 otherwise (alive = 0).
a logical expression indicating right-censored data is being used for constructing simultaneous confidence interval.
a single numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the level of quantile for the contrasts. The default is p = 0.5 (the median).
further arguments to be passed to the internal methods, in particular: bw.selec
is a single character
string specifying the method of bandwidth selection when using right censored survival data;
bw.selec= "plug-in"
Lawrence S. Segbehoe, Gemechis Dilba Djira, Frank Schaarschmidt (package inclusion)
Mainly for internal use.