# ASAT values of female rats in a toxicity study
# (Hauschke, 1999).
ttestratio(ASAT~group, data=ASAT, alternative="less",
base=1, rho=1.25, var.equal=TRUE)
# Bodyweights of male rats in a toxicity study.
# Objective was to show equivalence between the high
# dose group (Dosis) and the control group (Kon).
# Equivalence margins are set to 0.8 and 1.25. The
# type-I-error to show equivalence is set to alpha=0.05.
# two one-sided tests:
ttestratio(weight~group, data=rat.weight, alternative="less",
rho=1.25, var.equal=TRUE)
ttestratio(weight~group, data=rat.weight, alternative="greater",
rho=0.8, var.equal=TRUE)
# For rho=1, ttestratio corresponds to a simple t.test
# with the difference of means under the null set to zero
# (,i.e. mu=0).
ttestratio(ASAT~group, data=ASAT, alternative="less",
rho=1, var.equal=TRUE)
t.test(ASAT~group, data=ASAT, alternative="less",
mu=0, var.equal=TRUE)
# Ratio of means bewtween negative and positive control in the
# mutagenicity data set, allowing heterogeneous variances:
DM<-subset(Mutagenicity, Treatment=="Vehicle"|Treatment=="Cyclo25")
# 95%-CI using the Fieller formula, Satterthwaite df with plug-in of
# ratio estimate
ttestratio(MN~Treatment, data=DM, alternative="two.sided",
var.equal=FALSE, iterativeCI=FALSE)
# 95%-CI based on directly inverting Tamhane and Logans test
# (Satterthwaite df, avoiding simple plug-in of the ratio estimate)
ttestratio(MN~Treatment, data=DM, alternative="two.sided",
var.equal=FALSE, iterativeCI=TRUE)
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