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mrgsolve (version 1.1.1)

mread: Read a model specification file


mread reads and parses the mrgsolve model specification file, builds the model, and returns a model object for simulation. mread_cache does the same, but caches the compilation result for later use.


  project = getOption("mrgsolve.project", getwd()),
  code = NULL,
  file = NULL,
  udll = TRUE,
  ignore.stdout = TRUE,
  raw = FALSE,
  compile = TRUE,
  audit = TRUE,
  quiet = getOption("mrgsolve_mread_quiet", FALSE),
  check.bounds = FALSE,
  warn = TRUE,
  soloc = getOption("mrgsolve.soloc", tempdir()),
  capture = NULL,
  preclean = FALSE,
  recover = FALSE,

mread_cache( model = NULL, project = getOption("mrgsolve.project", getwd()), file = paste0(model, ".cpp"), code = NULL, soloc = getOption("mrgsolve.soloc", tempdir()), quiet = FALSE, preclean = FALSE, capture = NULL, ... )

mread_file(file, ...)



model name


location of the model specification file an any headers to be included; see also the discussion about model; this argument can be set via options() library under details as well as the modlib help topic


a character string with model specification code to be used instead of a model file


the full file name (with extension, but without path) where the model is specified


use unique name for shared object


passed to system call for compiling model


if TRUE, return a list of raw output


logical; if TRUE, the model will be built


check the model specification file for errors


don't print messages when compiling


check boundaries of parameter list


logical; if TRUE, print warning messages that may arise


the directory location where the model shared object is built and stored; see details; this argument can be set via options(); if the directory does not exist, `mread` will attempt to create it.


a character vector or comma-separated string of additional model variables to capture; these variables will be added to the capture list for the current call to mread only


logical; if TRUE, compilation artifacts are cleaned up first


if TRUE, a list of build will be returned in case the model shared object fails to compile; use this option to and the returned object to collect information assist in debugging


passed to update; also arguments passed to mread from mread_cache.

Model Library

mrgsolve comes bundled with several precoded PK, PK/PD, and other systems models that are accessible via the mread interface.

Models available in the library include:

  • PK models: pk1cmt, pk2cmt, pk3cmt, pk1, pk2, popex, tmdd

  • PKPD models: irm1, irm2, irm3, irm4, emax, effect

  • Other models: viral1, viral2

When the library model is accessed, mrgsolve will compile and load the model as you would for any other model. It is only necessary to reference the correct model name and point the project argument to the mrgsolve model library location via modlib.

For more details, see modlib_pk, modlib_pkpd, modlib_tmdd, modlib_viral, and modlib_details for more information about the state variables and parameters in each model.


The model argument is required. For typical use, the file argument is omitted and the value for file is generated from the value for model. To determine the source file name, mrgsolve will look for a file extension in model. A file extension is assumed when it finds a period followed by one to three alpha-numeric characters at the end of the string (e.g. mymodel.txt but not my.model). If no file extension is found, the extension .cpp is assumed (e.g. file is <model-name>.cpp). If a file extension is found, file is <model-name>.

Best practice is to avoid using . in model unless you are using model to point to the model specification file name. Otherwise, use mread_file.

Use the soloc argument to specify a directory location for building the model. This is the location where the model shared object will be stored on disk. The default is a temporary directory, so compilation artifacts are lost when R restarts when the default is used. Changing soloc to a persistent directory location will preserve those artifacts across R restarts. Also, if simulation from a single model is being done in separate processes on separate compute nodes, it might be necessary to store these compilation artifacts in a local directory to make them accessible to the different nodes. If the soloc directory does not exist, `mread` will attempt to create it.

Similarly, using mread_cache will cache results in the temporary directory and the cache cannot be accessed after the R process is restarted.

See Also

mcode, mcode_cache


Run this code

if (FALSE) {
code <- '
$PARAM CL = 1, VC = 5
$ODE dxdt_CENT = -(CL/VC)*CENT;

mod <- mcode("ex_mread", code)


mod %>% init(CENT=1000) %>% mrgsim %>% plot

mod <- mread("irm3", modlib())


# if the model is in the file mymodel.cpp
mod <- mread("mymodel")

# if the model is in the file mymodel.txt
mod <- mread(file = "mymodel.txt")


mod <- mread_file("mymodel.txt")


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab