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mrgsolve (version 1.1.1)

realize_addl: Make addl doses explicit in an event object or data set


When doses are scheduled with ii and addl, the object is expanded to include one record for every dose. In the result, no record with have ii or addl set to non-zero value.


realize_addl(x, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame realize_addl( x, warn = FALSE, mark_new = FALSE, fill = c("inherit", "na", "locf"), ... )

# S3 method for ev realize_addl(x, ...)


A data_set data.frame or event object, consistent with the type of x. The ii and addl columns will all be set to zero. The result is always ungrouped.



a data_set data frame or an event object (see details)


not used


if TRUE a warning is issued if no ADDL or addl column is found


if TRUE, a flag is added to indicate new columns


specifies how to handle non-dose related data columns in new data set records; this option is critical when handling data sets with time-varying, non-dose-related data items; see details


If no addl column is found the data frame is returned and a warning is issued if warn is true. If ii, time, or evid are missing, an error is generated.

If a grouped data.frame (via dplyr::group_by()) is passed, it will be ungrouped.

Use caution when passing in data that has non-dose-related data columns that vary within a subject and pay special attention to the fill argument. By definition, realize_addl will add new rows to your data frame and it is not obvious how the non-dose-related data should be handled in these new rows. When inherit is chosen, the new records have non-dose-related data that is identical to the originating dose record. This should be fine when these data items are not varying with time, but will present a problem when the data are varying with time. When locf is chosen, the missing data are filled in with NA and an last observation carry forward operation is applied to every column in the data set. This may not be what you want if you already had missing values in the input data set and want to preserve that missingness. When na is chosen, the missing data are filled in with NA and no locf operation is applied. But note that these missing values may be problematic for a mrgsolve simulation run. If you have any time-varying columns or missing data in your data set, be sure to check that the output from this function is what you were expecting.


Run this code
e <- ev(amt = 100, ii = 12, addl = 3)


a <- ev(amt = 100, ii = 12, addl = 2, WT = 69)
b <- ev(amt = 200, ii = 24, addl = 2, WT = 70)
c <- ev(amt =  50, ii =  6, addl = 2, WT = 71) 

e <- ev_seq(a,b,c)
realize_addl(e, mark_new = TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab