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mrgsolve (version 1.3.0)

ev_seq: Schedule a series of event objects


Use this function when you want to schedule two or more event objects in time according the dosing interval (ii) and additional doses (addl).


ev_seq(..., ID = NULL, .dots = NULL, id = NULL)

# S3 method for ev seq(...)


A single event object sorted by time.



Event objects or numeric arguments named wait or ii to implement a period of no-dosing activity in the sequence (see details).


Numeric vector of subject IDs.


A list of event objects that replaces ....


Deprecated; use ID.


Use the generic seq() when the first argument is an event object. If a waiting period (wait or ii) is the first event, you will need to use ev_seq(). When an event object has multiple rows, the end time for that sequence is taken to be one dosing interval after the event that takes place on the last row of the event object.

The doses for the next event line start after all of the doses from the previous event line plus one dosing interval from the previous event line (see examples).

When numerics named wait or ii are mixed in with the event objects, a period with no dosing activity is incorporated into the sequence, between the adjacent dosing event objects. wait and ii accomplish a similar result, but differ by the starting point for the inactive period.

  • Use wait to schedule the next dose relative to the end of the dosing interval for the previous dose.

  • Use ii to schedule the next dose relative to the time of the the previous dose.

So wait acts like similar to an event object, by starting the waiting period from one dosing interval after the last dose while ii starts the waiting period from the time of the last dose itself. Both wait and ii can accomplish identical behavior depending on whether the last dosing interval is included (or not) in the value. Values for wait or ii can be negative.

NOTE: .ii had been available historically as an undocumented feature. Starting with mrgsolve version 0.11.3, the argument will be called ii. For now, both ii and .ii will be accepted but you will get a deprecation warning if you use .ii. Please use ii instead.

Values for time in any event object act like a prefix time spacer wherever that event occurs in the event sequence (see examples).


Run this code

e1 <- ev(amt = 100, ii = 12, addl = 1)

e2 <- ev(amt = 200)

seq(e1, e2)

seq(e1, ii = 8, e2)

seq(e1, wait = 8, e2)

seq(e1, ii = 8, e2, ID = seq(10))

ev_seq(ii = 12, e1, ii = 120, e2, ii = 120, e1)

seq(ev(amt = 100, ii = 12), ev(time = 8, amt = 200))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab