A list giving information about the misclassifications assumed in a
multi-state model fitted with the ematrix
argument of
. Returned in a fitted msm
model object.
This information is converted internally to a hmodel
object (see hmodel.object
) for use in likelihood computations.
Number of states (same as qmodel$nstates
Number of allowed misclassifications, equal to sum(imatrix)
Indicator matrix for allowed misclassifications. This has \((r,s)\) entry 1 if misclassification of true state \(r\) as observed state \(s\) is possible. diagonal entries are arbitrarily set to 0.
Matrix of initial values for the misclassification probabilities, supplied as the ematrix
argument of msm
Vector of these initial values, reading across rows of
and excluding the diagonal and disallowed transitions.
Indicators for equality constraints on baseline misclassification
probabilities, taken from the econstraint
argument to
, and mapped if necessary to the set (1,2,3,...)
Number of distinct misclassification probabilities, after applying equality constraints.
Number of initial state occupancy probabilities being
estimated. This is zero if est.initprobs=FALSE
, otherwise equal to
the number of states.
Initial state occupancy probabilities, as supplied to
(initial values before estimation, if est.initprobs=TRUE
Are initial state occupancy probabilities
estimated (TRUE
), as supplied in the
argument of msm
, hmodel.object