Extract estimates and confidence intervals for transition
intensities (or misclassification probabilities), and their covariate
effects, in a tidy matrix format with one row per transition. This
is used by the print method (print.msm
) for msm
objects. Covariate effects are returned as hazard or odds ratios, not
on the log scale.
msm.form.qoutput(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, digits=4, ...)
msm.form.eoutput(x, covariates="mean", cl=0.95, digits=4, ...)
A numeric matrix with one row per transition, and one column for each
estimate or confidence limit. The "formatted"
contains the same results formatted for pretty printing.
returns the transition intensities and their
covariates, and msm.form.eoutput
returns the misclassification
probabilities and their covariates.
A fitted multi-state model object, as returned by
Covariate values defining the "baseline" parameters
(see qmatrix.msm
Width of the symmetric confidence interval to present. Defaults to 0.95.
Minimum number of significant digits for the formatted
character matrix returned as an attribute. This is passed to
. Defaults to 4.
Other arguments to be passed to format
C. H. Jackson chris.jackson@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk