A list giving information about the structure of states and allowed
transitions in a multi-state model, and options for likelihood
calculation. Used in internal computations, and returned in a fitted
model object.
Number of states
Label for which basic structure the model is isomorphic
to in the list of structures for which analytic formulae for the
transition probabilities are implemented in the source file
This list is given by the internal object msm:::.msm.graphs
which is defined and documented in the source file
is 0 if the analytic P matrix is not implemented for this
structure, or if analytic P matrix calculations are disabled using
in the call to msm
Permutation required to convert the base isomorphism into the structure of this model. A vector of integers whose \(r\)th element is the state number in the base structure representing state \(r\) in the current structure.
Inverse permutation: vector whose \(r\)th element is the state number in the current structure representing the \(r\)th state in the base structure.
Number of allowed instantaneous transitions, equal to sum(imatrix)
Indicator matrix for allowed instantaneous transitions. This has \((r,s)\) entry 1 if the transition from \(r\) to \(s\) is permitted in continuous time, and 0 otherwise. The diagonal entries are arbitrarily set to 0.
Matrix of initial values for the transition
intensities, supplied as the qmatrix
argument of msm
Vector of these initial values, reading across rows of
and excluding the diagonal and disallowed transitions.
Indicators for equality constraints on baseline
intensities, taken from the qconstraint
argument to
, and mapped if necessary to the set (1,2,3,...).
Number of distinct allowed instantaneous transitions, after applying equality constraints.
Use expm package to calculate matrix exponentials
for likelihoods, as supplied to the use.expm
argument of
, hmodel.object