Simulated states through which the process moves. This
ends with either an absorption before obstime, or a transient state
at obstime.
Exact times at which the process changes to the corresponding
The given transition intensity matrix
The transition intensity matrix of the
Markov process. The diagonal of qmatrix is ignored,
and computed as appropriate so that the rows sum to zero. For
example, a possible qmatrix for a three state illness-death
model with recovery is:
Matrix of time-dependent covariates, with one row for each
observation time and one column for each covariate.
Matrix of linear covariate effects on log transition
intensities. The rows correspond to different covariates, and the
columns to the transition intensities. The intensities are ordered
by reading across rows of the intensity matrix, starting with the
first, counting the positive off-diagonal elements of the matrix.
Vector of times at which the covariates are observed.
The effect of time-dependent covariates on the transition intensity
matrix for an individual is determined by assuming that the covariate is a step function
which remains constant in between the individual's observation times.