Density, distribution, quantile functions and other utilities for the Coxian phase-type distribution with two phases.
d2phase(x, l1, mu1, mu2, log = FALSE)p2phase(q, l1, mu1, mu2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
q2phase(p, l1, mu1, mu2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
r2phase(n, l1, mu1, mu2)
h2phase(x, l1, mu1, mu2, log = FALSE)
gives the density, p2phase
gives the
distribution function, q2phase
gives the quantile function,
generates random deviates, and h2phase
gives the
vector of quantiles.
Intensity for transition between phase 1 and phase 2.
Intensity for transition from phase 1 to exit.
Intensity for transition from phase 2 to exit.
logical; if TRUE, return log density or log hazard.
logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise, P[X > x].
logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
vector of probabilities.
number of observations. If length(n) > 1
, the length is
taken to be the number required.
An individual following this distribution can be seen as coming from a mixture of two populations:
1) "short stayers" whose mean sojourn time is \(M_1 = \)\( 1/(\lambda_1+\mu_1)\) and sojourn distribution is exponential with rate \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1\).
2) "long stayers" whose mean sojourn time \(M_2 = \)\( 1/(\lambda_1+\mu_1) + 1/\mu_2\) and sojourn distribution is the sum of two exponentials with rate \(\lambda_1 + \)\( \mu_1\) and \(\mu_2\) respectively. The individual is a "long stayer" with probability \(p=\lambda_1/(\lambda_1 + \mu_1)\).
Thus a two-phase distribution can be more intuitively parameterised by the short and long stay means \(M_1 < M_2\) and the long stay probability \(p\). Given these parameters, the transition intensities are \(\lambda_1=p/M_1\), \(\mu_1=(1-p)/M_1\), and \(\mu_2=1/(M_2-M_1)\). This can be useful for choosing intuitively reasonable initial values for procedures to fit these models to data.
The hazard is increasing at least if \(M_2 < 2M_1\), and also only if \((M_2 - 2M_1)/(M_2 - M_1) < p\).
For increasing hazards with \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \leq \mu_2\), the maximum hazard ratio between any time \(t\) and time 0 is \(1/(1-p)\).
For increasing hazards with \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \geq \mu_2\), the maximum hazard ratio is \(M_1/((1-p)(M_2 - M_1))\)\( M_1))\). This is the minimum hazard ratio for decreasing hazards.
C. H. Jackson
This is the distribution of the time to reach state 3 in a continuous-time Markov model with three states and transitions permitted from state 1 to state 2 (with intensity \(\lambda_1\)) state 1 to state 3 (intensity \(\mu_1\)) and state 2 to state 3 (intensity \(\mu_2\)). States 1 and 2 are the two "phases" and state 3 is the "exit" state.
The density is
$$f(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1) = e^{-(\lambda_1+\mu_1)t}(\mu_1 + (\lambda_1+\mu_1)\lambda_1 t)$$
if \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1 = \mu_2\), and
$$f(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1, \mu_2) = \frac{(\lambda_1+\mu_1)e^{-(\lambda_1+\mu_1)t}(\mu_2-\mu_1) + \mu_2\lambda_1e^{-\mu_2t}}{\lambda_1+\mu_1-\mu_2}$$
otherwise. The distribution function is
$$F(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1) = 1 - e^{-(\lambda_1+\mu_1) t} (1 + \lambda_1 t)$$
if \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1 = \mu_2\), and
$$F(t | \lambda_1, \mu_1, \mu_2) = 1 - \frac{e^{-(\lambda_1 + \mu_1)t} (\mu_2 - \mu_1) + \lambda_1 e^{-\mu_2 t}}{ \lambda_1 + \mu_1 - \mu_2}$$
otherwise. Quantiles are calculated by numerically inverting the distribution function.
The mean is \((1 + \lambda_1/\mu_2) / (\lambda_1 + \mu_1)\).
The variance is \((2 + 2\lambda_1(\lambda_1+\mu_1+ \mu_2)/\mu_2^2 - (1 + \lambda_1/\mu_2)^2)/(\lambda_1+\mu_1)^2\).
If \(\mu_1=\mu_2\) it reduces to an exponential distribution with rate \(\mu_1\), and the parameter \(\lambda_1\) is redundant. Or also if \(\lambda_1=0\).
The hazard at \(x=0\) is \(\mu_1\), and smoothly increasing if \(\mu_1<\mu_2\). If \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \geq \mu_2\) it increases to an asymptote of \(\mu_2\), and if \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1 \leq \mu_2\) it increases to an asymptote of \(\lambda_1 + \mu_1\). The hazard is decreasing if \(\mu_1>\mu_2\), to an asymptote of \(\mu_2\).
C. Dutang, V. Goulet and M. Pigeon (2008). actuar: An R Package for Actuarial Science. Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 25, no. 7, 1-37. URL