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mstate (version 0.3.3)

events: Count number of observed transitions


Given a dataset in long format, for instance generated by msprep, and a transition matrix for the multi-state model, this function counts the number of observed transitions in the multi-state model and gives their percentages.




A list containing two tables, the first, called Frequencies, with the number of observed transitions in the multi-state model occurring in msdata, the second, called Proportions, with the corresponding proportions.



An object of class "msdata", such as output by msprep


Hein Putter H.Putter@lumc.nl


Although msdata does not need to be the result of a call to msprep, it does need to be an object of class "msdata", which is essentially a data frame in long format, with one row for each transition for which the subject is at risk. The columns from, to, and status need to be present, with appropriate meaning, see msprep. The msdata argument needs to have a "trans" attributes, which holds the transition matrix of the multi-state model.


Run this code

tmat <- trans.illdeath(names=c("Tx","PR","RelDeath"))
data(ebmt3) # data from Section 4 of Putter, Fiocco & Geskus (2007)
msebmt <- msprep(time=c(NA,"prtime","rfstime"),status=c(NA,"prstat","rfsstat"),
events(msebmt) # see Fig 13 of Putter, Fiocco & Geskus (2007)

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