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mstate (version 0.3.3)

print.summary.probtrans: Print method for a summary.probtrans object


Print method for a summary.probtrans object


# S3 method for summary.probtrans
print(x, complete = FALSE, ...)



Object of class 'summary.probtrans', to be printed


Whether or not the complete estimated transition probabilities should be printed (TRUE) or not (FALSE); default is FALSE, in which case the estimated transition probilities will be printed for the first and last 6 time points of each starting state or of the selected times (or all when there are at most 12 of these time points


Further arguments to print


Run this code

if (FALSE) {
# If all time points should be printed, specify complete=TRUE in the print statement
print(x, complete=TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab