This function performs a graph partition based on the intersection of the edges of two proximity graphs: MST and kNN.
generate.intersections.mst.knn(nodes.list, distance.matrix, suggested.k)
A list with the elements
A numeric value representing the number of connected components (cc) generated after graphs intersection.
A list where each item contains the nodes of the connected components (cc) generated.
A object of class "igraph" which is a network with each connected components (cc) generated.
A vector with a subset of objects (nodes) of the data matrix for which the MST y kNN graphs must be generated.
A distance matrix between each pair of elements in nodes.list
. It is used as the edges costs to generate MST y kNN graphs.
A numeric value representing the number of nearest neighbors to consider to generate the kNN graph.
Mario Inostroza-Ponta, Jorge Parraga-Alava, Pablo Moscato