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mtk (version 1.0)

setXMLFilePath-methods: The setXMLFilePath function


Specifies the XML file to parse.


setXMLFilePath(this, xmlPath)


the underlying object of class mtkParsor
a string indicating the XML file to parse.



J. Wang, H. Richard, R. Faivre, H. Monod (2013). Le package mtk, une bibliothèque R pour l'exploration numérique des modèles. In: Analyse de sensibilité et exploration de modèles : Application aux sciences de la nature et de l'environnement (R. Faivre, B. Iooss, S. Mahévas, D. Makowski, H. Monod, Eds). Editions Quae, Versailles.


Run this code
# Specify the XML file's name
	xmlFile <- "WWDM_morris.xml"

## Find where the example XML file is held in the 'mtk' package. 
## (This line is nit useful for real life example!)
	xmlFile <- paste(path.package("mtk", quiet = TRUE),
		"/extdata/",xmlFile,sep = "") 

# Create a XML parsor.		
	parsor <- mtkParsor(xmlFile)

# Create an empty workflow.
	workflow <- mtkExpWorkflow()

# Parse the XML file and initialize the workflow 
# with the data extracted from the XML file.
	run(parsor, workflow) 

# Run the workflow
# If you want to parse another XML file with the same parsor,
# just changes the XML file to "inst/extdata/ishigami_fast.xml".

	xmlFile <- "ishigami_fast.xml"

# Find where the example XML file is held in the 'mtk' package. 
# (This line is nit useful for real life example!)
	xmlFile <- paste(path.package("mtk", quiet = TRUE),
		"/extdata/",xmlFile,sep = "") 

# Change the XML file to the new one 
	setXMLFilePath(parsor, xmlFile)

# Parse the new XML file and initialize the workflow
# with the data extracted from the XML file.
	run(parsor, workflow) 

# Run the workflow

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab