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muStat (version 1.7.0)

prentice.test: Prentice (Friedman/Wilcoxon/Kruskal) Rank Sum Test


Performs a generalized Friedman rank sum test with replicated blocked data or, as special cases, a Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test on data following a one-way layout or a Wilcoxon rank sum test following a one-way layout with only two groups.


prentice.test(y, groups, blocks = NULL, score = "rank", blkwght = "prentice", condvar = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = FALSE, exact = NULL, correct = FALSE, df = -1, warn = 0, optim = TRUE) mu.wilcox.test(y, groups, blocks = NULL, score = "rank", paired = FALSE, exact = TRUE, correct = TRUE, ...) mu.kruskal.test(y, groups, blocks, ... ) mu.friedman.test(y, groups, blocks, ... )


a numeric vector of data values, NAs are used to compute block weights with incomplete block data (see blkwght), but will be removed with one-way designs. Blocks with observations in only one group will be removed. Infs are allowed, and are not removed as they are rankable. Required.
factor or category object of the same length as y, giving the group (treatment) for each corresponding element of y. NAs are allowed and observations with NA in groups will be used for scoring other observations, treating them as if they were observations in an additional (fictional) group. If not a factor or category object, it will be coerced to one. Required.
factor or category object of the same length as y, giving the block membership for each corresponding element of y. Observations with NA in blocks will be removed. If not a factor or category object, it will be coerced to one.
character or function object, giving the score function to be used. If NULL, y is assumed to already have been scored, e.g., by marginal likelihood scores (Wittkowski 1992) or u-scores (Wittkowski 2004) for multivariate data. If a function, it is applied to the ranks of y (Lehmann, 1951), if character,
  • "rank" or "wilcoxon" are equivalent to the default,
  • "normal" or "vanderwaerden" are ...
  • ... (to be continued)
character object indicating the weights to apply to blocks depending on the ratio between planned size (including NAs) and observed size (excluding NAs). Options are
  • "prentice",
  • "klotz",
  • "skillingsmack",
  • "rai"
see Wittkowski (1988) and Alvo-Cabilio (2005) for details.
if FALSE, the variance is conditional on (“corrected for”) the observed ties, otherwise, the variance is the expected variance in the absence of ties, see Wittkowski (1988, 1998) and Randles (2001) for details.
if -1, the degrees of freedom are computed from the observed data, if 0, the degrees of freedom are computed from the planned number of groups, if >0, the parameter value is taken as the degrees of freedom.
character string, one of"greater", "less" or "two.sided", indicating the specification of the alternative hypothesis. For Wilcoxon test only.
a single number representing the value of the mean or difference in means specified by the null hypothesis.
if TRUE, the Wilcoxon signed rank test is computed. The default is the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
if TRUE the exact distribution for the test statistic is used to compute the p-value if possible.
if TRUE a continuity correction is applied to the normal approximation for the p-value.
no warnings will be given if warn is -1
if FALSE, the generic algorithm (see Algorithm) is always used, for testing and teaching purposes only if TRUE, faster algorithms are used when available.
further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


A list with class "htest" containing the following components:
the value of chi-squared statistic, with names attribute "statistic: chi-square". See section DETAILS for a definition.
the degrees of freedom of the asymptotic chi-squared distribution associated with statistic. Component parameters has names attribute "df".
the asymptotic or exact p-value of the test.
a character string giving the name of the method used.
a character string (vector of length 1) containing the actual names of the input arguments y, groups, and blocks.

Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is that for any two observations chosen randomly from the same block, the probability that the first is larger than the second is the same as the probability that it is smaller.

Test Assumptions

The errors are assumed to be independent and identically distributed. The returned p.value should be interpreted carefully. It is only a large-sample approximation whose validity increases with the size of the smallest of the groups and/or the number of blocks.


prentice.test <- function(
  blocks  = NULL,
  score   = "rank",       # NULL: y already scored
  blkwght = "prentice",   # block weights
  <...> m  <- xTable(blocks,groups)
  p  <- dim(m)[2]-1 # planned number of groups y.ok   <- <...> y      <- y     [y.ok]
  groups <- groups[y.ok]
  blocks <- blocks[y.ok]
  M  <- xTable(blocks,groups) <...> mi <- rowSums(m)
  Mi <- rowSums(M)
  Wi <- switch(tolower(blkwght),
    prentice      = (mi+1),    
    klotz         = (Mi+1),    
    skillingsmack = sqrt(Mi+1),
    rai           = (Mi+1)/Mi, 
  Bijk <- Wi[blocks] Tijk <- Centered(
    blocks, Mi) * Bijk
  T1 <- qapply(Tijk,groups,sum) A0i2 <- (1/(Mi-1))*qapply(Tijk^2,blocks,sum)
  V0   <- structure(dim=c(P,P), A0i2 %*% (
            t(apply(M,1,   function(x,P) diag(x))) - (1/Mi) *
            t(apply(M,1,MC(function(x) outer1(x),list(outer1=outer1))))))
  V1   <- ginv(V0) W    <- as.numeric(T1 %*% V1 %*% T1)      
  df.W <- attr(V1,"rank")                       
  p.W  <- 1 - pchisq(W, df.W)


prentice.test is approximately twice as fast as friedman.test or kruskal.test. In some cases, the Kruskal-Wallis test reduces to the Wilcoxon Rank-sum test. Thus, prentice.test allows the additional parameters mu, paired, exact, and correct, to be entered, and passed. To ensure consistency of the results between wilcox.test and kruskal.test, the default for correct is FALSE in either case.


Friedman, M. (1937) Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32: 675-701. Lehmann, E. L. (1951) Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 22: 165-179. Kruskal, W. H. and Wallis, W. A. (1952) Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47: 583-631. Hajek, J. and Sidak, Z. (1967) Theory of rank tests, New York, NY: Academic. Hollander, M. and Wolfe, D. A. (1973). Nonparametric Statistical Methods. New York, NY: John Wiley. Lehmann, E. L. (1975). Nonparametrics: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks. Oakland, CA: Holden-Day. Prentice, M. J. (1979) Biometrika, 66: 167-170. Wittkowski, K. M. (1988) Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83: 1163-1170. Alvo, M. and Cabilio, P. (2005) Canadian Journal of Statistics-Revue Canadienne De Statistique, 33: 115-129. Wittkowski, K. M. (1992) Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87: 258. Wittkowski, K. M. (1998) Biometrics, 54: 789¡§C791. Randles, H. R. (2001) The American Statistician, 55: 96-101. Wittkowski, K. M., Lee, E., Nussbaum, R., Chamian, F. N. and Krueger, J. G. (2004) Statistics in Medicine, 23: 1579-1592.

See Also

wilcox.test, kruskal.test, friedman.test, rank, aov


Run this code

# friedman.test examples

  treatments <- factor(rep(c("Trt1", "Trt2", "Trt3"), each=4))
  people <- factor(rep(c("Subj1", "Subj2", "Subj3", "Subj4"), 3))
  y <- c(0.73,0.76,0.46,0.85,0.48,0.78,0.87,0.22,0.51,0.03,0.39,0.44)
  print(   friedman.test(y, treatments, people))
  print(mu.friedman.test(y, treatments, people))

  # Now suppose the data is in the form of a matrix, 
  #   rows are people and columns are treatments.
  # Generate 'ymat' and the factor objects: 

  ymat <- matrix(c(0.73,0.76,0.46,0.85,0.48,0.78,0.87,0.22,0.51,
        0.03,0.39,0.44), ncol=3)
  bl <- factor(as.vector(row(ymat)))
  gr <- factor(as.vector(col(ymat)))   
  print(   friedman.test(ymat, gr, bl))  # same answer as above 
  print(mu.friedman.test(ymat, gr, bl))

# kruskal.test examples

  # Data from Hollander and Wolfe (1973), p. 116 
  holl.y <- c(2.9,3.0,2.5,2.6,3.2,3.8,2.7,4.0,2.4,2.8,3.4,3.7,2.2,2.0)
  holl.grps <- factor(c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3), 
      labels=c("Normal Subjects","Obstr. Airway Disease","Asbestosis"))
  print(   kruskal.test(holl.y, holl.grps))
  print(mu.kruskal.test(holl.y, holl.grps))
  # Now suppose the data is in the form of a table already,  
  # with groups in columns; note this implies that group 
  # sizes are the same. 

  tab.data <- matrix(c(.38,.58,.15,.72,.09,.66,.52,.02,.59,.94,
        .24,.94,.08,.97,.47,.92,.59,.77), ncol=3)

  y2 <- as.vector(tab.data) 
  gr <- factor(as.vector(col(tab.data)))   # Groups are columns 
  print(   kruskal.test(y2, gr))
  print(mu.kruskal.test(y2, gr))

# wilcox.test examples
  x <- c(8.2, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, 10.0, 14.5, 15.2, 16.1, 17.6, 21.5)
  y <- c(4.2, 5.2, 5.8, 6.4, 7.0, 7.3, 10.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.5)
  print(   wilcox.test(x,y))
  print(   wilcox.test(x,y, exact=FALSE))
  print(mu.wilcox.test(x,y, exact=FALSE))
  print(   wilcox.test(x,y, exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE))
  print(mu.wilcox.test(x,y, exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE))
  xy <- c(x,y)
  groups <- c(rep(1,length(x)),rep(2,length(y)))
  print(prentice.test(xy,groups,exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE))

# compare speed

  if (is.R()) sys.time <- function (...) system.time(...)
  n <- 1000
  data <- runif(30*n)
  grps <- c(rep(1,10*n),rep(2,8*n),rep(3,12*n))

  print(sys.time(    kruskal.test( data,grps)              ))
  print(sys.time( mu.kruskal.test( data,grps,optim=FALSE)  ))
  print(sys.time(    prentice.test(data,grps)              ))

  data <- runif(600)
  grps <- rep(1:6,each=100)
  blks <- rep(1:100,length.out=length(data))

  print(sys.time(    friedman.test(data,grps,blks)             ))
  print(sys.time( mu.friedman.test(data,grps,blks,optim=FALSE) ))
  print(sys.time(    prentice.test(data,grps,blks)             ))

  data <- runif(50000)
  grps <- rep(1:2,each=25000)
  Wx <- data[grps==1]
  Wy <- data[grps==2]

  print(sys.time(    wilcox.test(Wx,Wy)                    ))
  print(sys.time( mu.wilcox.test(Wx,Wy,optim=FALSE)        ))
  print(sys.time(    prentice.test(data,grps)              ))

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