Convert a logical vector or a vector of p-values or a difference or distance
matrix into a display identifying the pairs for which the differences were
not significantly different or for which the difference exceeded a
Spencer Graves and Hans-Peter Piepho with help from Sundar Dorai-Raj
Convert a
logical vector or a vector of p-values or a difference or distance matrix
into either a letter-based display using "multcompLetters" or a graphic
roughly like a "T" using "multcompTs" to identify factor levels or similar
groupings that are or are not significantly different. Designed for use in
conjunction with the output of functions like TukeyHSD, diststats, simint,
simtest, csimint, csimtestmultcomp, friedmanmc, kruskalmcpgirmess.
Piepho, Hans-Peter (2004) "An Algorithm for a Letter-Based
Representation of All-Pairwise Comparisons", Journal of Computational and
Graphical Statistics, 13(2)456-466.
John R. Donaghue (2004) "Implementing Shaffer's multiple comparison
procedure for a large number of groups", pp. 1-23 in Benjamini, Bretz and
Sarkar (eds) Recent Developments in Multiple Comparison Procedures
(Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes-Monograph Series vol.