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multilevel (version 2.7)

bh1996: Data from Bliese and Halverson (1996)


The complete data used in Bliese and Halverson (1996). The dataset contains 4 variables: Cohesion (COHES), Leadership Climate (LEAD), Well-Being (WBEING) and Work Hours (HRS). Each of these variables has two variants - a group mean version that replicates each group mean for every individual in the group, and a within-group version where the group mean is subtracted from each individual response (i.e., a group-mean centered or demeaned variable). The group mean version is designated with a G. (e.g., G.HRS), and the within-group version is designated with a W. (e.g., W.HRS).





A data frame with 13 columns and 7,382 observations from 99 groups

[,1] GRP numeric Group Identifier
[,2] COHES numeric Cohesion
[,3] G.COHES numeric Average Group Cohesion
[,4] W.COHES numeric Group-Mean Centered Cohesion
[,5] LEAD numeric Leadership
[,6] G.LEAD numeric Average Group Leadership
[,7] W.LEAD numeric Group-Mean Centered Leadership
[,8] HRS numeric Work Hours
[,9] G.HRS numeric Average Group Work Hours
[,10] W.HRS numeric Group-Mean Centered Work Hours
[,11] WBEING numeric Well-Being
[,12] G.WBEING numeric Average Group Well-Being


Bliese, P. D. & Halverson, R. R. (1996). Individual and nomothetic models of job stress: An examination of work hours, cohesion, and well-being. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1171-1189.