An experimental function that implements a 2-level bootstrap to estimate non-parametric bootstrap
confidence intervals of the ICC1 using the percentile method. The bootstrap first draws a sample of level-2
units with replacement, and in a second stage draws a sample of level-1 observations with
replacement from the level-2 units. Following each bootstrap replication, the ICC(1)
is estimated using the lme function (default) or the ANOVA method.
boot.icc(x, grpid, nboot, aov.est=FALSE)
A vector representing the variable upon which to estimate the ICC values.
A vector representing the level-2 unit identifier.
The number of bootstrap iterations. Computational demands underlying
a 2-level bootstrap are heavy, so the examples use 100; however, the number of interations
should generally be 10,000.
An option to estimate the ICC values using aov.
Provides ICC(1) estimates for each bootstrap draw.
Bliese, P. D. (2000). Within-group agreement, non-independence, and reliability:
Implications for data aggregation and analysis. In K. J. Klein & S. W. Kozlowski (Eds.),
Multilevel Theory, Research, and Methods in Organizations (pp. 349-381). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc.