Contains a random sample of firm-level data from 196 firms for the years 2007 to 2011 based on data from COMPUSTAT and MSCI. The data are balanced in that each firm provided five years of data. The data contains a time variable and time varying covariates for the discontinuous growth model along with within-firm predictors related to the composition of boards of directors. The discontinuity was indexed to 2009 as the first year following the great recession. In addition to illustrating variants of growth models, the panel data is useful for contrasting econometric fixed-effect models and mixed-effect models (Bliese et al., 2020).
A data frame with 14 columns and 960 observations
[,1] | companyid | numeric | Firm ID |
[,2] | companyname | numeric | Firm Name |
[,3] | year | numeric | Calendar Year |
[,4] | time | numeric | Calendar Year minus 2007 |
[,5] | trans | numeric | Dummy Coded Variable Indexed to Transition |
[,6] | post | numeric | Time Varying Covariate for Post Transition Slope |
[,8] | roani | numeric | Return on Assets |
[,9] | boardindprop | numeric | Yearly Proportion of Independent Members of the Firm's Board |
[,10] | dirageavg | numeric | Yearly Average Age of the Firm's Directors |
[,11] | femaledirsprop | numeric | Yearly Female Board Members Proportion |
[,12] | debtassets | numeric | Yearly Debt to Assets Ratio |
[,13] | lnemp | numeric | Yearly Natural Log of Number of Employees |
[,14] | ceotenure | numeric | Yearly CEO Tenure |
Bliese, P. D., Schepker, D. J., Essman, S. M., & Ployhart, R. E. (2020). Bridging methodological divides between macro- and microresearch: Endogeneity and methods for panel data. Journal of Management, 46, 70-99.