mypack:::.onLoad <- function( libname, pkgname) generic.dll.loader( libname, pkgname)
#... or just copy the code into your .onLoad
# For casual testing of a DLL that's not yet in a package
dl <- ldyn.tester( 'path/to/my/dll/libs/i386/mydll.dll')
getDLLRegisteredRoutines( l1)
LL_mydll <- create.wrappers.for.dll( dl)
.C( LL_mydll$C_rout1, as.integer( 0)) # ... whatever!
ldyn.unload( dl)
# Safer because not permanent:
assign( 'dl', ldyn.tester( 'path/to/my/dll/libs/i386/mydll.dll'), pos='mvb.session.info')
assign( 'LL_mydll', create.wrappers.for.dll( dl), pos='mvb.session.info')
.C( LL.mydll$C_rout1, as.integer( 0)) # ... whatever!
# }
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