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mvbutils (version 2.8.232)

noice: Prints a call object nicely


Prints a call-mode object nicely, with one argument per line. This is useful, for example, in displaying readably the outcomes of sys.call(), which is often used to create a call attribute for the results of complicated functions.


noice( cc, ...)



a call object, eg something appended to a fitting result via sys.call.


any other arguments for deparse


Character vector with one argument per line, of class as.cat so that it prints cleanly. Long arguments are truncated, so the result is not guaranteed to re-parse cleanly (a general issue with R which seems unavoidable in any powerful language).


Run this code
# This is a bona fide function call from my own work
# normally it would be evaluated directly, and sys.call()
# would be used inside it to assign a 'call' attrib to the result
# but the call attrib then looks like a mess-o-rama
# The quote() wrapper is just used here to make the point
# It would be interesting if 'call' could cope with a 'source' or
# 'srcref' argument, and would "know" how to print itself, but that
# is a big ask
# BTW, the 72-char limit in Rd EXAMPLES and USAGE is a PITBA
monster <- quote( est_N(
    popcompo = fp1a_17,
    df_rs_as_at_l = NULL,
    df_rs_ls = NULL, # NB comments are allowed, but get chucked
    newstyle_data = data17b,
    use_alpha_hsp = TRUE,
    AMIN = 8, AMAX = 30,
    YMIN = 2002, YMAX = 2014,
    prior_mean_z_plusgroup = 0.386,
    prior_sd_z_plusgroup = 0.0268,
    LMIN = 150, LMAX = 200,
    logit_surv_form = ~ I( pmax( age, 19)- AMAX) - 1,
    log_nsa_y1_form = ~factor(sex),
    log_nys_a1_reqm_form = ~0,
    logit_tresid_form = ~sex * I(len - 170),
    log_selbase_form = ~ 0,
    log_daily_reprodm_form = ~ 0,
    vb_form = ~sex,
    log_vb_cv_Linf_form = ~1,
    log_rct_re_var_start = log( sqr( 0.41)),
    fix_CV_R = TRUE,
    RE_rct = TRUE,
    sel_is_by_sex = TRUE,
    ssreduce_l = 1,
    fec_bout_start_fit = start_of_bout,
    fec_rest_start_fit = start_of_rest,
    fec_ovwt_fit = bfec,
    nu_lata = 12))
monster # yuk
noice( monster) # yum
# }

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