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mvtnorm (version 1.3-3)

interface: (Experimental) User Interface to Multiple Multivariate Normal Distributions


A (still experimental) simple user interface for computing on multiple multivariate normal distributions.


mvnorm(mean, chol, invchol)
# S3 method for mvnorm
aperm(a, perm, ...)
margDist(object, which, ...)
# S3 method for mvnorm
margDist(object, which, ...)
condDist(object, which_given, given, ...)
# S3 method for mvnorm
condDist(object, which_given, given, ...)
# S3 method for mvnorm
simulate(object, nsim = dim(object$scale)[1L], seed = NULL, 
                            standardize = FALSE, as.data.frame = FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for mvnorm
logLik(object, obs, lower, upper, standardize = FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for mvnorm
lLgrad(object, obs, lower, upper, standardize = FALSE, ...)


mvnorm, margDist, and condDist return objects of class mvnorm. logLik returns the log-likelihood and lLgrad a list with gradients.



either an ltMatrices object specifying (multiple) Cholesky factors of the covariance matrix or one single numeric lower triangular square matrix.


either an ltMatrices object specifying (multiple) inverse Cholesky factors of the covariance matrix or one single numeric lower triangular square matrix.


objects of class mvnorm.


a permutation of the covariance matrix corresponding to a.


names or indices of elements those marginal distribution is of interest.


names or indices of elements to condition on.


matrix of realisations to condition on (number of rows is equal to length(which), the number of columns corresponds to the number of matrices in chol or invchol.


matrix of lower limits (one column for each observation, \(J\) rows).


matrix of upper limits (one column for each observation, \(J\) rows).


matrix of exact observations (one column for each observation, \(J\) rows).


matrix of means (one column for each observation, length is recycled to length of obs, lower and upper).


an object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized, see simulate.


logical, should the Cholesky factor (or its inverse) undergo standardization (ensuring the covariance matrix is a correlation matrix) before computing the likelihood.


number of samples to draw.


logical, convert the $J x N$ matrix result to a classical $N x J$ data frame.


Additional arguments to ldpmvnorm and sldpmvnorm


The constructor mvnorm can be used to specify (multiple) multivariate normal distributions. margDist derives marginal and condDist conditional distributions from such objects. A simulate method exists for drawn samples from multivariate normals.

The continuous (data in obs), discrete (intervals in lower and upper), and mixed continuous-discrete log-likelihood is implemented in logLik. The corresponding gradients with respect to all model parameters and with respect to the data arguments is available from lLgrad.

Rationals and examples are given in Chapter 7 of the package vignette linked to below.

See Also

vignette("lmvnorm_src", package = "mvtnorm")