Show Venn diagram. Automatically called from plotVenn.
opacity = 0.4,
borderWidth = 1,
showLegend = T,
outFile = "",
systemShow = FALSE,
labelRegions = T,
showNumbers = T,
setColors = NULL,
fontScale = 1
Object with nVennR information. Can be obtained from a plotVenn call.
Fill opacity for the sets. Defaults to 0.4.
Width of set borders. Defaults to 1.
Boolean stating whether the resulting figure should contain a legend. Defaults to true.
File name to save SVG figure. If empty, a temp file will be created and sent to the graphic device.
Show the result in the system SVG viewer (i. e., Inkscape).
Show region identifiers. These are numbers in parentheses inside each region indicating which sets that region belongs to. Defaults to true
Show how many elements belong to each region (large numbers in the figure). Defaults to true
Vector with the color of each set in order. Color names must be CSS-compatible.
Multiplier for font sizes. The font size of both numbers and region labels will be multiplied by this factor. Values larger than 2 will probably make labels clash.
Processed nVenn object. Creates a Venn diagram in svg as a side effect.