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nanotime (version 0.3.11)

nanoperiod-class: Period type with nanosecond precision


nanoperiod is a length of time type (implemented as an S4 class) with nanosecond precision. It differs from nanoduration because it is capable of representing calendar months and days. It can thus represent years (12 months) and weeks (7 days). A period is a somewhat abstract representation of time: it is only when anchored to a point in time and in a specific time zone that it is possible to convert it to a specific duration. This means that many of the operations involving periods need the additional argument tz.


nanoperiod(months = 0, days = 0, duration = as.nanoduration(0))

# S4 method for character as.nanoperiod(x)

# S4 method for integer64 as.nanoperiod(x)

# S4 method for numeric as.nanoperiod(x)

# S4 method for integer as.nanoperiod(x)

# S4 method for nanoduration as.nanoperiod(x)

# S4 method for `NULL` as.nanoperiod(x)

# S4 method for missing as.nanoperiod(x)

# S4 method for nanoperiod show(object)

# S4 method for nanoperiod print(x, quote = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for nanoperiod format(x, ...)

# S4 method for nanoperiod as.character(x)

# S4 method for nanoperiod is.na(x)

# S4 method for nanoperiod is.na(x) <- value

# S4 method for nanoperiod [[(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,numeric [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,logical [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,character [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,ANY [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,ANY,ANY,ANY [(x, i, j, ...) <- value

# S3 method for nanoperiod c(...)

# S4 method for nanoperiod names(x)

# S4 method for nanoperiod names(x) <- value

# S4 method for nanoperiod,ANY -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoperiod -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoduration -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,integer64 -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,numeric -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoduration,nanoperiod -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for integer64,nanoperiod -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for numeric,nanoperiod -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,ANY +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoperiod +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoduration +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,integer64 +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanotime +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoival,nanoperiod +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoival +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,nanoperiod +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,numeric +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoduration,nanoperiod +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for integer64,nanoperiod +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for numeric,nanoperiod +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,integer64 *(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,numeric *(e1, e2)

# S4 method for integer64,nanoperiod *(e1, e2)

# S4 method for numeric,nanoperiod *(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,integer64 /(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,numeric /(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoperiod ==(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoperiod !=(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,nanoperiod,character plus(e1, e2, tz)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanotime,character plus(e1, e2, tz)

# S4 method for nanotime,nanoperiod,character minus(e1, e2, tz)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanotime,character minus(e1, e2, tz)

# S4 method for nanoival,nanoperiod,character plus(e1, e2, tz)

# S4 method for nanoperiod,nanoival,character plus(e1, e2, tz)

# S4 method for nanoival,nanoperiod,character minus(e1, e2, tz)



An object of class nanoperiod of length 1.



Used in the constructor to indicate the number of months of the nanoperiod


Used in the constructor to indicate the number of days of the nanoperiod


Used in the constructor to indicate the duration component of the nanoperiod

x, value

An object of class nanoperiod


argument for method show


indicates if the output of print should be quoted


further arguments


index specifying elements to extract or replace.


Required for [ signature but ignored here


Required for [ signature but ignored here


Operand of class nanoperiod


Operand of class nanoperiod


character indicating a timezone


The true constructor is

Output Format

A nanoperiod is displayed as months, days, and nanoduration like this: 10m2d/10:12:34.123_453_000.


Dirk Eddelbuettel

Leonardo Silvestri


Adding or subtracting nanoperiod and nanotime require a timezone as third argument. For this reason it is not possible to use the binary operator `+`. Instead the functions `plus` and `minus` are defined. These functions attempt to keep the same offset within a day in the specified timezone: this means for instance that adding a day when that day crosses a time zone adjustment such as a daylight saving time, results in a true time increment of less or more than 24 hours to preserve the offset. Preserving the offset works for increments that are smaller than a day too, provided the increment results in a datetime where the timezone adjustment is valid. When this is not the case, adding a `nanoperiod` behaves in the same way as adding a `nanoduration`.

See Also

nanotime, nanoduration, nanoival, nanoperiod.month,nanoperiod-method


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
p <- nanoperiod(months=12, days=7, duration="01:00:00")

#  when adding a \code{nanoperiod} to a \code{nanotime} or to a
# \code{nanoival}, a time zone must be specified:
y <- nanotime("1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00")
plus(y, p, tz="America/Chicago")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab