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nanotime (version 0.3.11)

nanotime-class: Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality


Functions to operate on nanosecond time resolution using integer64 bit representation. Conversion functions for several standard R types are provided, and more will be added as needed.


nanotime(from, ...)

as.nanotime(from, ...)

# S4 method for character nanotime(from, format = "", tz = "")

# S4 method for character as.nanotime(from, format = "", tz = "")


# S4 method for POSIXct nanotime(from, accurate = TRUE)

# S4 method for POSIXct as.nanotime(from, accurate = TRUE)

# S4 method for POSIXlt nanotime(from)

# S4 method for POSIXlt as.nanotime(from)

# S4 method for Date nanotime(from)

# S4 method for Date as.nanotime(from)

# S4 method for nanotime print(x, format = "", tz = "", quote = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for nanotime show(object)

# S3 method for nanotime format(x, format = "", tz = "", ...)

# S3 method for nanotime index2char(x, ...)

# S3 method for nanotime as.POSIXct(x, tz = "", ...)

# S3 method for nanotime as.POSIXlt(x, tz = "", ...)

# S3 method for nanotime as.Date(x, ...)

# S3 method for nanotime as.data.frame(x, ...)

# S3 method for nanotime as.integer64(x, ...)

# S4 method for nanotime,character -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,nanotime -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,integer64 -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,numeric -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for ANY,nanotime -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,ANY -(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,ANY +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,integer64 +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,numeric +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for ANY,nanotime +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for integer64,nanotime +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for numeric,nanotime +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,nanotime +(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,nanotime Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,ANY Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for ANY,nanotime Arith(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,character Compare(e1, e2)

# S4 method for character,nanotime Compare(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,POSIXt Compare(e1, e2)

# S4 method for POSIXt,nanotime Compare(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,ANY Compare(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime,ANY Logic(e1, e2)

# S4 method for ANY,nanotime Logic(e1, e2)

# S4 method for nanotime Math(x)

# S4 method for nanotime Math2(x, digits)

# S4 method for nanotime Summary(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime min(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime max(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime range(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime Complex(z)

# S4 method for nanotime [[(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime,numeric [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime,logical [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime,character [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime,ANY [(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S4 method for nanotime,ANY,ANY,ANY [(x, i, j, ...) <- value

# S3 method for nanotime c(...)

# S4 method for nanotime names(x) <- value

# S4 method for nanotime is.na(x)


# S3 method for nanotime as.character(x, ...)

# S3 method for nanoduration as.data.frame(x, ...)


A nanotime object


An object of class nanotime of length 1.



further arguments passed to or from methods.


A character string. Can also be set via options("nanotimeFormat") and uses ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%E9S%Ez’ as a default and fallback


character specifying a timezone which is required for as.POSIXct, as.POSIXlt and can be specified for as.nanotime, format and print; it can also be set via options("nanotimeTz") and uses ‘UTC’ as a default and fallback

x, from

nanotime objects


in the conversion from POSIXct to nanotime, indicates if one wants to preserve the maximum precision possible; the default is TRUE, but in most situations the loss of precision is negligible, and setting this parameter to TRUE will make the conversion nearly an order of magnitude faster


indicates if the output of print should be quoted


argument for method show


Operand of class nanotime


Operand of class nanotime


Required for Math2 signature but ignored here


a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed.


Required for Complex signature but ignored here


index specifying elements to extract or replace.


Required for [ signature but ignored here


Required for [ signature but ignored here


argument for nanotime-class


Working with dates and times is difficult. One needs a representation of both time points and time duration. In R, think of Date or POSIXct objects for the former, and difftime for the later. Here we have time points nanotime, an interval type nanoival and two flavors of duration which are a simple count of nanoseconds nanoduration and a calendar duration that is able to track concepts such as months and days nanoperiod. Point in time and intervals are all based on durations relative to the epoch of January 1, 1970.

Input and Output Format

Formatting and character conversion for nanotime objects is done by functions from the RcppCCTZ package relying on code from its embedded CCTZ library. The default format is ISO3339 compliant: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%E9S%Ez. It specifies a standard ISO 8601 part for date and time --- as well as nine digits of precision for fractional seconds (down to nanoseconds) and on offset (typically zero as we default to UTC). It can be overriden by using options() with the key of nanotimeFormat and a suitable value. Similarly, nanotimeTz can be used to select a different timezone.

For input, some slack it cut, and various shortened formats are accepted by default such as 2020-03-10 or 2020-03-10 18:16:00, or 2020-03-10 18:16:00.001 (and the ‘T’ separator is optional.

<code>tz</code> parameter usage in constructors

The tz parameter is allowed only when constructing a nanotime from a character. This is because any numeric, Date and POSIXct is de facto considered an offset since the epoch. On the contrary, a character is considered interpretable and hence if it does not contain a timezone in its representation, it is possible to specify the tz argument to specify in which timezone it should be interpreted. This is useful in particular if one wants to convert a Date to be aligned to the beginning of the day in a specific timezone; in this case one should convert the Date to a character before calling the nanotime constructor with the desired timezone.


Dirk Eddelbuettel

Leonardo Silvestri


Notice that the conversion from POSIXct explicitly sets the last three digits to zero. Nanosecond time stored in a 64-bit integer has nineteen digits precision where doubles (which are used internally for POSIXct as well) only have sixteen digits. So rather than showing three more (essentially random) digits it is constructed such that these three additional digits are zeros.

See Also

nanoival, nanoduration, nanoperiod, seq.nanotime as well as the documentation in package RcppCCTZ.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
x <- nanotime(1)
as.nanotime("2020-03-10 Europe/Berlin")
as.nanotime("2020-03-10 18:31:23.001", tz="America/New_York")
as.nanotime("2020-03-10T040947190301440", format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%E*f")
x <- x + 1
x <- x + 10
nanotime(Sys.time()) + 1:3  # three elements each 1 ns apart
seq(x, by=as.nanoperiod("1d"), length.out=5, tz="Asia/Tokyo")

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