Columns: Cause, TruePositives, TrueNegatives, FalsePositives, FalseNegatives, PredictedFrequency, ObservedFrequency, Sensitivity, CSMFpredicted, CSMFobserved
Cause (vectorof char): The unique causes from both the obs and pred inputs
Sensitivity (vectorof double): the sensitivity for a cause
CSMFpredicted (vectorof double): the cause specific mortality fraction for a cause given the predicted deaths
CSMFobserved (vectorof double): the cause specific mortality fraction for a cause given the observed deaths
TruePositives (vectorof double): The total number of true positives per cause
TrueNegatives (vectorof double): The total number of true negatives per cause
FalsePositives (vectorof double): The total number of false positives per cause
FalseNegatives (vectorof double): The total number of false negatives per cause
PredictedFrequency (vectorof double): The occurence of a cause in the pred input
ObservedFrequency (vectorof double): The occurence of a cause in the obs input