# Start with the simplest example. If the file only has one variable in it,
# you can read the data as easily as this:
nc <- nc_open("salinity.nc")
# NOTE how not specifying varid reads the "only" var in the file
data <- ncvar_get( nc )
# In this next example we read values from file "writevals.nc", which is created by
# the R code in the example section for function "ncvar_put". We open the
# file with readunlim=FALSE for potentially faster access, and to illustrate
# (below) how to read in the unlimited dimension values.
nc <- nc_open( "writevals.nc", readunlim=FALSE )
print(paste("The file has",nc$nvars,"variables"))
# This illustrates how to read all the data from a variable
v1 <- nc$var[[1]]
data1 <- ncvar_get( nc, v1 ) # by default, reads ALL the data
print(paste("Data for var ",v1$name,":",sep=""))
# This shows how the shape of the read data is preserved
v2 <- nc$var[[2]]
data2 <- ncvar_get( nc, v2 )
print(paste("Var 2 has name",v2$name,"and is of shape",dim(data2),
". Here are the values:"))
# This illustrates how to read data one timestep at a time. In this
# example we will elaborately show how to deal with a variable whose
# shape is completely unknown (i.e., how many dimensions, and what their
# sizes are). We will also, for illustration of a common case, show how
# to read in the values of the time dimension at each timestep.
v3 <- nc$var[[3]]
varsize <- v3$varsize
ndims <- v3$ndims
nt <- varsize[ndims] # Remember timelike dim is always the LAST dimension!
for( i in 1:nt ) {
# Initialize start and count to read one timestep of the variable.
start <- rep(1,ndims) # begin with start=(1,1,1,...,1)
start[ndims] <- i # change to start=(1,1,1,...,i) to read timestep i
count <- varsize # begin w/count=(nx,ny,nz,...,nt), reads entire var
count[ndims] <- 1 # change to count=(nx,ny,nz,...,1) to read 1 tstep
data3 <- ncvar_get( nc, v3, start=start, count=count )
# Now read in the value of the timelike dimension
timeval <- ncvar_get( nc, v3$dim[[ndims]]$name, start=i, count=1 )
print(paste("Data for variable",v3$name,"at timestep",i,
" (time value=",timeval,v3$dim[[ndims]]$units,"):"))
# }
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