Performs k-fold cross validation for MCP- or SCAD-penalized regression models over a grid of values for the regularization parameter lambda.
nfolds = 10,
returnY = FALSE,
trace = FALSE
nfolds = 10,
se = c("quick", "bootstrap"),
returnY = FALSE,
trace = FALSE
An object with S3 class cv.ncvreg
or cv.ncvsurv
The error for each value of lambda
, averaged across the cross-
validation folds.
The estimated standard error associated with each value of for cve
The fold assignments for cross-validation for each observation;
note that for cv.ncvsurv()
, these are in terms of the ordered observations,
not the original observations.
The sequence of regularization parameter values along which the cross-validation error was calculated.
The fitted ncvreg()
or ncvsurv()
object for the whole data.
The index of lambda
corresponding to lambda.min
The value of lambda
with the minimum cross-validation error.
The deviance for the intercept-only model. If you have supplied
your own lambda
sequence, this quantity may not be meaningful.
The estimated bias of the minimum cross-validation error, as in Tibshirani and Tibshirani (2009) tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1214/08-AOAS224")
If family="binomial"
, the cross-validation prediction error for
each value of lambda
If returnY=TRUE
, the matrix of cross-validated fitted values (see above).
The design matrix, without an intercept, as in ncvreg()
or ncvsurv()
The response, as in ncvreg()
or ncvsurv()
Additional arguments to ncvreg()
or ncvsurv()
and cv.ncvsurv()
can be run in parallel
across a cluster using the parallel package. The cluster must be set
up in advance using the parallel::makeCluster()
function from that package.
The cluster must then be passed to cv.ncvreg()
or cv.ncvsurv()
(see example).
The number of cross-validation folds. Default is 10.
Which fold each observation belongs to. By default the observations are randomly assigned.
Should cv.ncvreg()
return the linear predictors
from the cross-validation folds? Default is FALSE
; if TRUE
, this will
return a matrix in which the element for row i, column j is the fitted
value for observation i from the fold in which observation i was excluded
from the fit, at the jth value of lambda. NOTE: For cv.ncvsurv()
, the
rows of Y
are ordered by time on study, and therefore will not correspond
to the original order of observations pased to cv.ncvsurv()
If set to TRUE
, inform the user of progress by announcing
the beginning of each CV fold. Default is FALSE
For cv.ncvsurv()
, the method by which the cross-valiation
standard error (CVSE) is calculated. The 'quick' approach is based on a
rough approximation, but can be calculated more or less instantly. The
'bootstrap' approach is more accurate, but requires additional computing time.
Patrick Breheny; Grant Brown helped with the parallelization support
The function calls ncvreg
times, each
time leaving out 1/nfolds
of the data. The cross-validation error is
based on the deviance; see here for more details.
For family="binomial"
models, the cross-validation fold assignments are
balanced across the 0/1 outcomes, so that each fold has the same proportion
of 0/1 outcomes (or as close to the same proportion as it is possible to
achieve if cases do not divide evenly).
For Cox models, cv.ncvsurv()
uses the approach of calculating the full
Cox partial likelihood using the cross-validated set of linear predictors.
Other approaches to cross-validation for the Cox regression model have been
proposed in the literature; the strengths and weaknesses of the various
methods for penalized regression in the Cox model are the subject of current
research. A simple approximation to the standard error is provided,
although an option to bootstrap the standard error (se='bootstrap'
) is also
Breheny P and Huang J. (2011) Coordinate descent algorithms for nonconvex penalized regression, with applications to biological feature selection. Annals of Applied Statistics, 5: 232-253. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1214/10-AOAS388")
cvfit <- cv.ncvreg(Prostate$X, Prostate$y)
fit <- cvfit$fit
beta <- fit$beta[,cvfit$min]
## requires loading the parallel package
if (FALSE) {
X <- Prostate$X
y <- Prostate$y
cl <- makeCluster(4)
cvfit <- cv.ncvreg(X, y, cluster=cl, nfolds=length(y))}
# Survival
X <- Lung$X
y <- Lung$y
cvfit <- cv.ncvsurv(X, y)
plot(cvfit, type="rsq")
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