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ndtv (version 0.13.3)

ndtv-package: Network Dynamic Temporal Visualization (ndtv)


Construct visualizations such as timelines and animated movies of networkDynamic objects to show changes in structure and attributes over time.



Skye Bender-deMoll, and the Statnet Commons team Maintainer: Skye <skyebend@uw.edu>


For version and license information, run packageDescription('ndtv')

Uses network objects with dynamics encoded using networkDynamic.

Key features:

  • Compute a dynamic layout using compute.animation.

  • Render it as a movie using render.animation.

  • Render animations to a web page using render.d3movie

  • Plot multiple 'stills' of a movie with filmstrip

  • Plot a timeline of edge and vertex activity with timeline

  • Plot network geodesic proximities as a stream graph with proximity.timeline

To view package vignettes and extended examples, see browseVignettes(package='ndtv').

For a more indepth tutorial, see https://statnet.org/Workshops/ndtv_workshop.html

The package includes several example datasets:

  • msm.sim output of a stergm simulation of basic sex contact network model

  • short.stergm.sim Very Very Basic stergm simulation output (25 time steps)

  • stergm.sim.1 Very Very Basic stergm simulation output (100 time steps)

  • toy_epi_sim Toy Epidemic Simulation Output from the EpiModel package

Report bugs at: https://github.com/statnet/ndtv/issues


Bender-deMoll, S., Morris, M. and Moody, J. (2008) Prototype Packages for Managing and Animating Longitudinal Network Data: dynamicnetwork and rSoNIA Journal of Statistical Software 24:7.

Hunter DR, Handcock MS, Butts CT, Goodreau SM, Morris M (2008b). ergm: A Package to Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks. Journal of Statistical Software, 24(3). tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v024.i03").

Butts CT (2008). network: A Package for Managing Relational Data in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 24(2). tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v024.i02").

Carter T. Butts, Ayn Leslie-Cook, Pavel N. Krivitsky and Skye Bender-deMoll (2015). networkDynamic: Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects. R package version 0.7. https://statnet.org

Skye Bender-deMoll and McFarland, Daniel A. (2006) The Art and Science of Dynamic Network Visualization. Journal of Social Structure. Volume 7, Number 2 https://www.cmu.edu/joss/content/articles/volume7/deMollMcFarland/

See Also

networkDynamic, compute.animation,render.animation for examples, and the package vignette vignette(package='ndtv').