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ndtv (version 0.13.3)

render.d3movie: Render out a web-based animation of a networkDynamic object using ndtv-d3 player app


Exports a self-contained HTML file including an SVG animation of the networkDynamic object and displays it in a web browser. See render.animation for details of animation construction.


render.d3movie(net, filename=tempfile(fileext = '.html'), 


If output.mode='HTML', a file will be generated including the necessary javascript and JSON data structures If output.mode='JSON', a JSON file will be generated including a section describing all of the rendered slices, and a seperate section including the entire networkDynamic object. If output.mode='inline', HTML code for an iframe elment suitible for embedding in markdown documents will be printed, all other output supressed. If output.mode='htmlWidget', a htmlwidgets object will be returned which, will produce appropriate html when 'printed' or emedded in a Shiny app



The network (usally networkDynamic) object to be rendered, usually containing pre-computed vertex positions as dynamic attributes cached by compute.animation


The file name of the HTML or JSON file to be generated. Must end the proper file extension ('.json' for JSON '.html' for HTML) for correct browser display.


Named list of parameters to specify the behavior of the animation.

  • tween.frames the number of interpolated frames to generate between each calculated network layout (default 10).

  • show.time If TRUE, labels the plot with onset and terminus time for each slice.

  • show.stats NULL, or a string containing a formula to be passed to summary.stergm to display the network statistics for the current slice on the plot. e.g. "~edges+gwesp(0,fixed=TRUE)"

  • extraPlotCmds NULL, or additional plot commands to draw on each frame of the animation.

  • initial.coords default initial coords to be assigned to vertices. Can be a two-column numeric coordinate matrix, or a numeric values to be formed into a matrix.


list of `high-level' plotting control arguments to be passed to par. e.g. bg main for background color, margins, fonts, etc. MANY OF THESE ARE NOT YET SUPPORTED BY THE NDTV-D3 PLAYER. See list in Details below.


list of options to configure ndtv-d3 player app. list( animationDuration=800, scrubDuration=0, enterExitAnimationFactor=0, nodeSizeFactor=0.01, playControls=TRUE, animateOnLoad=FALSE, slider=TRUE, debugFrameInfo=FALSE, debugDurationControl=FALSE, ) See Details below for explanations


character string, one of 'HTML','JSON' or 'inline'. The first exports an HTML file with embedded javascript player app including the JSON data structure describing the animation. The second just exports the JSON data structure (for loading into an existing page). The 3rd renders the HTML inside an iframe tag and supresses all other output in an attempt to make it embedable in rmarkdown documents. The 4th generates a htmlWidget suitable for displaying in an RStudio plot window or Shiny app.


if script.type='embedded', the scripts will be embedded directly in the output html page. This option is the most portable, but will require large file sizes. If script.type='remoteSrc', only the links to the scripts will be included, so the page will require an active internet connection to play the animation.


if TRUE, after exporting the file R will attempt to open it in a browser


If TRUE, update text will be printed to the console to report the status of the rendering process.


Other parameters to control network rendering. See plot.network.default. Most parameters can be set to TEA attribute names, or specified as a function to be evaluated at each timestep. NOT ALL PLOT PARAMS ARE IMPLEMENTED YET




Animations are generated using a process nearly identical to render.animation. However, instead of using R's plotting functions and the animation library, the relevant information is cached and written into a JSON-formatted file, embedded into a web page along with ndtv-d3 player, and displayed in a web browser as an interactive HTML5 SVG animation.

The ndtv-d3 player app is not a fully-featured R plot device. It only attempts to emulate the elements of plot normally used by plot.network and it understands the graphic elements and a somewhat higher level so that it will be able to handle interaction with edge and vertex objects.

However, ndtv-d3 includes several nice features to support exploring the network:

  • controller buttons for playing, pausing and stepping through the animation

  • time slider for jumping and 'scrubing' to parts of the movie

  • pan and zoom into the network using the mouse-wheel

  • click on vertices and edges to reveal their ids or abitrary text attached using the vertex.tooltip and edge.tooltip properties

  • double-click on a vertex to highlight all of the connected edges and vertices

If passed a static network, by default only a single slice will be rendered and the time slider and controllers will be disabled. For consistency with plot.network the static mode also supports passing in a matrix of coordinates via coord argument which will prevent the default call to compute.animation.

Another advantage of ndtv-d3 is that it does not require installing system libraries such as ffmpeg to render out the movie.

The coordinates for vertex postitions are read from the animation.x and animation.y TEA attributes, normally created using compute.animation

The list of currently supported plot,plot.network and par elements is

  • xlab: label caption below the render, on the xaxis

  • main: main headline above the render

  • displaylabels: should vertex labels be displayed?

  • usearrows: should arrows be drawn on edges?

  • bg: background color (must be html compatible? need to check this)

  • vertex.cex: vertex expansion scale factor

  • label: labels for vertices (defaults to vertex.names)

  • label.col: color of vertex labels

  • label.cex: vertex label expansion scale factor

  • vertex.col: vertex fill colors

  • vertex.sides: number of sides for vertex polygon (shape)

  • vertex.rot: rotation for vertex polygon

  • vertex.border: color of vertex border stroke

  • vertex.lwd: width of vertex border stroke

  • edge.lwd: width of edge stroke

  • edge.col: edge stroke color

All of the above properties can be defined as dynamic (TEA) attributes. Noteably, curved edges, edge labels, and label positioning are not yet implemented and will be ignored. The main and xlab params will not be positioned exactly as they are in plot

There are a few special plot parameters that are only supported by render.d3move:

  • vertex.tooltip arbitrary text or html to be displayed when a vertex is clicked (default is the vertex id)

  • edge.tooltip arbitrary text or html to be displayed when an edge is clicked (default is the edge id)

  • vertex.css.class properties for adding arbitrary class attributes for use in CSS styling of vertices

  • edge.css.class properties for adding arbitrary class attributes for use in CSS styling of edges

  • vertex.label.css.class properties for adding arbitrary class attributes for use in CSS styling of vertex labels

ndtv-d3 has its own configuration properties passed in via the d3.options argument list, shown below with their default properties. Values which are set to NULL or omitted will be set to the ndtv-d3 player defaults.

  • animationDuration=800 Duration (milliseconds) of each animation step during play or step actions

  • enterExitAnimationFactor=0 Fraction (0-1) of total step animation time that edge enter/exit animations should take

  • nodeSizeFactor=0.01 Sets default node (vertex) size, as a fraction of viewport size.

  • playControls=TRUE Show the player controls (play, pause, step, etc)

  • animateOnLoad=FALSE If true, animation will start playing as soon as page loads.

  • slider=TRUE Show the time slider control

  • margin=list(x=20,y=10) SVG margins - may be overridden when setting fixed aspect ratio

  • debugFrameInfo=FALSEShow the slice timing info in corner

  • durationControl=TRUEShow a control to change speed of animation under the menu in the upper right corner


The github repository for the ndtv-d3 javascript library is at https://github.com/statnet/ndtv-d3/ (which is the statnet release fork of https://github.com/michalgm/ndtv-d3/)

See Also

See also the ndtv-d3 vignette https://statnet.org/Workshops/ndtv-d3_vignette.html, render.animation, compute.animation.