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netdiffuseR (version 1.17.0)

rdiffnet: Random diffnet network


Simulates a diffusion network by creating a random dynamic network and adoption threshold levels.


rdiffnet(n, t, seed.nodes = "random", seed.p.adopt = 0.05, seed.graph = "scale-free", rgraph.args = list(), rewire = TRUE, rewire.args = list(p = 0.1, undirected = FALSE), threshold.dist = function(x) runif(1), exposure.args = list(outgoing = TRUE, valued = getOption("diffnet.valued", FALSE), normalized = TRUE), name = "A diffusion network", behavior = "Random contagion")


Integer scalar. Number of vertices.
Integer scalar. Time length.
Either a character scalar or a vector. Type of seed nodes (see details).
Numeric scalar. Proportion of early adopters.
Baseline graph used for the simulation (see details).
List. Arguments to be passed to rgraph.
Logical scalar. When TRUE, network slices are generated by rewiring (see rewire_graph).
List. Arguments to be passed to rewire_graph.
Either a function to be applied via sapply, or a vector/matrix with $n$ elements. Sets the adoption threshold for each node.
List. Arguments to be passed to exposure.
Character scalar. Passed to as_diffnet.
Character scalar. Passed to as_diffnet.


A random diffnet class object.


Instead of randomizing whether an individual adopts the innovation or not, this toy model randomizes threshold levels, seed adopters and network structure, so an individual adopts the innovation in time $T$ iff his exposure is above or equal to his threshold. The simulation is done in the following steps:

  1. Using seed.graph, a baseline graph is created.
  2. Given the baseline graph, the set of initial adopters is defined using seed.nodes.
  3. Afterwards, if rewire=TRUE $t-1$ slices of the network are created by iteratively rewiring the baseline graph.
  4. The threshold.dist function is applied to each node in the graph.
  5. Simulation starts at $t=2$ asigning adopters in each time period accordingly to each vertex's threshold and exposure.

When seed.nodes is a character scalar it can be "marginal", "central" or "random", So each of these values sets the initial adopters using the vertices with lowest degree, with highest degree or completely randomly. The number of early adoptes is set as seed.p.adopt * n. Please note that when marginal nodes are set as seed it may be the case that no diffusion process is attained as the chosen set of first adopters can be isolated. Any other case will be considered as an index (via [<- methods), hence the user can manually set the set of initial adopters, for example if the user sets seed.nodes=c(1, 4, 7) then nodes 1, 4 and 7 will be selected as initial adopters.

The argument seed.graph can be either a function that generates a graph (Any class of accepted graph format (see netdiffuseR-graphs)), a graph itself or a character scalar in which the user sets the algorithm used to generate the first network (network in t=1), this can be either "scale-free" (Barabasi-Albert model using the rgraph_ba function, the default), "bernoulli" (Erdos-Renyi model using the rgraph_er function), or "small-world" (Watts-Strogatz model using the rgraph_ws function). The list rgraph.args passes arguments to the chosen algorithm.

When rewire=TRUE, the networks that follow t=1 will be generated using the rewire_graph function as $G(t) = R(G(t-1))$, where $R$ is the rewiring algorithm.

The argument threshold.dist sets the threshold for each vertex in the graph. It is applied using sapply as follows

sapply(1:n, threshold.dist)

By default sets the threshold to be random for each node in the graph.

If sgraph is provided, no random graph is generated and the simulation is applied using that graph instead.

See Also

Other simulation functions: permute_graph, rewire_graph, rgraph_ba, rgraph_er, rgraph_ws, ring_lattice


Run this code
# Asimple example -----------------------------------------------------------
z <- rdiffnet(100,10)

# A more complex example: Adopt if at least one neighbor has adopted --------
y <- rdiffnet(100, 10, threshold.dist=function(x) 1,
    exposure.args=list(valued=FALSE, normalized=FALSE))

# Re thinking the Adoption of Tetracycline ----------------------------------
newMI <- rdiffnet(seed.graph = medInnovationsDiffNet$graph,
 threshold.dist = threshold(medInnovationsDiffNet), rewire=FALSE)

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