if (FALSE) {
## load the data
## consider genes from just 2 pathways
genenames <- unique(c(pathways[["Adipocytokine signaling pathway"]],
pathways[["Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes"]]))
sx <- x[match(rownames(x), genenames, nomatch = 0L) > 0L,]
db_edges <- obtainEdgeList(rownames(sx), databases = c("kegg", "reactome"))
adj_cluster <- prepareAdjMat(sx, group, databases = db_edges, cluster = TRUE)
out_cluster <- NetGSA(adj_cluster[["Adj"]], sx, group,
pathways_mat[c(1,2), rownames(sx)], lklMethod = "REHE", sampling = FALSE)
my_layout <- function(graph) layout_with_graphopt(graph = graph,
spring.length = 1000,
spring.constant = 0.00004)
zoomPathway(out_cluster, "Adipocytokine signaling pathway", my_layout)
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