produces a simple two-dimensional plot of network
, using optional attribute attrname
to set edge values. A
variety of options are available to control vertex placement, display
details, color, etc.
# S3 method for network
plot(x, ...)# S3 method for default, attrname = NULL,
label = network.vertex.names(x), coord = NULL, jitter = TRUE,
thresh = 0, usearrows = TRUE, mode = "fruchtermanreingold",
displayisolates = TRUE, interactive = FALSE, xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, pad = 0.2, label.pad = 0.5,
displaylabels = !missing(label), boxed.labels = FALSE, label.pos = 0, = "white", vertex.sides = 50, vertex.rot = 0, vertex.lwd=1,
arrowhead.cex = 1, label.cex = 1, loop.cex = 1, vertex.cex = 1,
edge.col = 1, label.col = 1, vertex.col = 2, label.border = 1,
vertex.border = 1, edge.lty = 1, label.lty = NULL, vertex.lty = 1,
edge.lwd = 0, edge.label = NULL, edge.label.cex = 1,
edge.label.col = 1, label.lwd = par("lwd"), edge.len = 0.5,
edge.curve = 0.1, edge.steps = 50, loop.steps = 20,
object.scale = 0.01, uselen = FALSE, usecurve = FALSE,
suppress.axes = TRUE, vertices.last = TRUE, new = TRUE,
layout.par = NULL, ...)
A two-column matrix containing the vertex positions as x,y coordinates
an object of class network
additional arguments to plot
an optional edge attribute, to be used to set edge values.
a vector of vertex labels, if desired; defaults to the vertex
labels returned by network.vertex.names
. If label
one element and it matches with a vertex attribute name, the value of the
attribute will be used. Note that labels may be set but hidden by the
user-specified vertex coordinates, in an network.size(x)x2
matrix. Where this is specified, it will override the mode
boolean; should the output be jittered?
real number indicating the lower threshold for tie values.
Only ties of value >thresh
are displayed. By default,
boolean; should arrows (rather than line segments) be used to indicate edges?
the vertex placement algorithm; this must correspond to a
boolean; should isolates be displayed?
boolean; should interactive adjustment of vertex placement be attempted?
x axis label.
y axis label.
the x limits (min, max) of the plot.
the y limits of the plot.
amount to pad the plotting range; useful if labels are being clipped.
amount to pad label boxes (if boxed.labels==TRUE
in character size units.
boolean; should vertex labels be displayed?
boolean; place vertex labels within boxes?
position at which labels should be placed, relative to
vertices. 0
results in labels which are placed away from the center
of the plotting region; 1
, 2
, 3
, and 4
result in
labels being placed below, to the left of, above, and to the right of
vertices (respectively); and label.pos>=5
results in labels which are
plotted with no offset (i.e., at the vertex positions).
background color for label boxes (if
); may be a vector, if boxes are to be of different
number of polygon sides for vertices; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if vertices are to be of different types. As of v1.12, radius of polygons are scaled so that all shapes have equal area
angle of rotation for vertices (in degrees); may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if vertices are to be rotated differently.
line width of vertex borders; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if vertex borders are to have different line widths.
expansion factor for edge arrowheads.
character expansion factor for label text.
expansion factor for loops; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if loops are to be of different sizes.
expansion factor for vertices; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if vertices are to be of different sizes.
color for edges; may be given as a vector, adjacency matrix, or edge attribute name, if edges are to be of different colors.
color for vertex labels; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if labels are to be of different colors.
color for vertices; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if vertices are to be of different colors.
label border colors (if boxed.labels==TRUE
); may
be given as a vector, if label boxes are to have different colors.
border color for vertices; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if vertex borders are to be of different colors.
line type for edge borders; may be given as a vector, adjacency matrix, or edge attribute name, if edge borders are to have different line types.
line type for label boxes (if boxed.labels==TRUE
may be given as a vector, if label boxes are to have different line types.
line type for vertex borders; may be given as a vector or a vertex attribute name, if vertex borders are to have different line types.
line width scale for edges; if set greater than 0, edge
widths are scaled by edge.lwd*dat
. May be given as a vector,
adjacency matrix, or edge attribute name, if edges are to have different
line widths.
if non-NULL
, labels for edges will be drawn. May be
given as a vector, adjacency matrix, or edge attribute name, if edges are to
have different labels. A single value of TRUE
will use edge ids as
labels. NOTE: currently doesn't work for curved edges.
character expansion factor for edge label text; may be given as a vector or a edge attribute name, if edge labels are to have different sizes.
color for edge labels; may be given as a vector or a edge attribute name, if labels are to be of different colors.
line width for label boxes (if boxed.labels==TRUE
may be given as a vector, if label boxes are to have different line widths.
if uselen==TRUE
, curved edge lengths are scaled by
if usecurve==TRUE
, the extent of edge curvature is
controlled by edge.curv
. May be given as a fixed value, vector,
adjacency matrix, or edge attribute name, if edges are to have different
levels of curvature.
for curved edges (excluding loops), the number of line segments to use for the curve approximation.
for loops, the number of line segments to use for the curve approximation.
base length for plotting objects, as a fraction of the linear scale of the plotting region. Defaults to 0.01.
boolean; should we use edge.len
to rescale edge
boolean; should we use edge.curve
boolean; suppress plotting of axes?
boolean; plot vertices after plotting edges?
boolean; create a new plot? If new==FALSE
, vertices and
edges will be added to the existing plot.
parameters to the network.layout
specified in mode
Carter T. Butts
is the standard visualization tool for the
class. By means of clever selection of display parameters, a
fair amount of display flexibility can be obtained. Vertex layout -- if not
specified directly using coord
-- is determined via one of the
various available algorithms. These should be specified via the mode
argument; see network.layout
for a full list. User-supplied
layout functions are also possible -- see the aforementioned man page for
Note that where is.hyper(x)==TRUE
, the network is converted to
bipartite adjacency form prior to computing coordinates. If
, then the user may modify the initial network
layout by selecting an individual vertex and then clicking on the location
to which this vertex is to be moved; this process may be repeated until the
layout is satisfactory.
Butts, C. T. (2008). “network: a Package for Managing Relational Data in R.” Journal of Statistical Software, 24(2). tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v024.i02")
Wasserman, S., and Faust, K. (1994). Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
, network.arrow
, network.vertex
#Construct a sparse graph
#Plot the graph
#Load Padgett's marriage data
#Display the network, indicating degree and flagging the Medicis
plot(nflo, vertex.cex=apply(flo,2,sum)+1, usearrows=FALSE,
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab