## Not run:
# # compare plots of each network at time 50
# plot(network.extract(base,at=50),vertex.cex=0.5,edge.lwd=2)
# plot(network.extract(monog,at=50),vertex.cex=0.5,edge.lwd=2)
# plot(network.extract(middle,at=50),vertex.cex=0.5,edge.lwd=2)
# # compare mean duration. These are at ~20, due to censoring
# mean($duration)
# mean($duration)
# mean($duration)
# # compare infection time series
# plot(sapply(1:100,function(t){
# sum(,'status',at=t)==1)
# }),col='black',xlab='time step', ylab='# infected'
# )
# points(sapply(1:100,function(t){
# sum(,'status',at=t)==1)
# }),col='blue')
# points(sapply(1:100,function(t){
# sum(,'status',at=t)==1)
# }),col='red')
# ## End(Not run)
## The code below can be used generate the three example networks using EpiModel (v1.1.2)
## note that the networks have some attached simulation control variables deleted before
## being saved as the datasets. More recent versions of EpiModel use a different
## representation of the infection status variable.
## Not run:
# library(EpiModel)
# # === example network parameters setup ===
# params.base = list(
# sim.length = 100,
# size = 1000,
# mean.deg = .75,
# mean.rel.dur = 25,
# net = network.initialize(1000, directed = F),
# formation = ~edges,
# dissolution = ~offset(edges)
# )
# params.middle = list(
# sim.length = 100,
# size = 1000,
# mean.deg = .75,
# mean.rel.dur = 25,
# net = network.initialize(1000, directed = F),
# formation = ~edges+concurrent,
# dissolution = ~offset(edges),
# targets = 90 # concurrent = 90
# )
# params.monog = list(
# sim.length = 100,
# size = 1000,
# mean.deg = .75,
# mean.rel.dur = 25,
# net = network.initialize(1000, directed = F),
# formation = ~edges+concurrent,
# dissolution = ~offset(edges),
# targets = 0 # concurrent = 0
# )
# # === function for estimating stergm, simulating network, and simulating epidemic ===
# net.init <- function(params, nsims, adjust=F) {
# for (name in names(params)) assign(name, params[[name]])
# message('network init')
# # generate initial network (defaults if not specified in params)
# if (!exists('net', inherits=F)) {
# net <- network.initialize(size,directed=F)
# net
# }
# if (!exists('formation', inherits=F)) {
# formation = ~edges
# }
# if (!exists('dissolution', inherits=F)) {
# dissolution = ~offset(edges)
# }
# if (!is.null(mean.deg)) {
# target.edges <- size/2 * mean.deg
# density = target.edges / choose(size,2)
# } else {
# target.edges <- round(density*choose(size, 2))
# }
# print(target.edges)
# # cludge to fix the monogamy bias in simulate
# if (adjust) target.edges = target.edges*adjust
# # target stats that does not include edges
# if (exists('targets', inherits=F)) {
# target.stats = c(target.edges, targets)
# } else {
# target.stats = target.edges
# }
# coef.diss <- dissolution_coefs(dissolution, mean.rel.dur)
# # estimate the stergm
# net.est = netest(net, formation, dissolution, target.stats, coef.diss
# ,set.control.ergm=control.ergm(MCMLE.maxit=200))
# stats.form = update(formation, ~.+concurrent)
# # simulate the dynamic network
# #net.sim = netsim(net.est, nsteps = sim.length, nsims=nsims, stats.form=stats.form,
# # control =
# # simulate the network dynamics and the epidemic
# net.sim = netsim(net.est,
# nsteps = sim.length,
# nsims=nsims,
# = TRUE)
# )
# #trans.sim = epiNet.simTrans(net.sim, "SI", vital=FALSE, i.num=1, trans.rate=1, tea=TRUE)
# #print(summary(net.sim$stats[[1]]))
# #plot(net.sim$stats[[1]][,'edges'], ylab='edges', xlab='time')
# return(get_network(net.sim, sim = 1))
# }
# # === simulate example networks ===
# base <- net.init(params.base, 1)
# middle <- net.init(params.middle, 1)
# monog <- net.init(params.monog, 1)
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab