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networkdata (version 0.1.4)

animal_2: Guppy Proximity Frequency (weighted)


Species: Poecilia reticulata

Taxonomic class: Actinopterygii

Population type: captive

Geographical location: Louisville, Kentucky

Data collection technique: video

Interaction type: spatial proximity

Definition of interaction: A contact phase between two individuals was one or more consecutive observations in which they were recorded as being within four body length to one another.

Edge weight type: frequency

Total duration of data collection: 90min

Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 10 seconds

Time span of data collection (within a day): 90min

Note: Networks represent 10 independed replicates of grourp of 5 guppies that were familiar with each other





list of igraph objects


Hasenjager, Matthew J., and Lee Alan Dugatkin. "Familiarity affects network structure and information flow in guppy (Poecilia reticulata) shoals." Behavioral Ecology (2016): arw152.