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Species: Macaca fuscata
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Yakushima, Japan
Data collection technique: focal sampling
Interaction type: grooming
Definition of interaction: Based on observation of grooming interaction
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 3 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
Note: Networks represent four control (C) and four treatment (T) groups recorded during <U+FFFD>undisturbed<U+FFFD> phase where individuals were allowed to interact with each other freely.
list of igraph objects
Griffin, Randi H., and Charles L. Nunn. "Community structure and the spread of infectious disease in primate social networks." Evolutionary Ecology 26.4 (2012): 779-800.