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networkdata (version 0.1.4)

animal_33: Voles Social Projection Bipartite (weighted)


Species: Microtus agrestis

Taxonomic class: Mammalia

Population type: free-ranging

Geographical location: Northumberland, England

Data collection technique: mark recapture

Interaction type: social projection bipartite

Definition of interaction: An edge was inserted into the network whenever two voles were caught in at least one common trap over the primary trapping sessions being considered

Edge weight type: frequency

Total duration of data collection: 6 days

Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 12 hours

Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours

Note: Networks represent social data combined over two consecutive trapping sessions at four sites (BHP, KCS, PLJ and ROB). Populations were trapped in <U+FFFD>primary<U+FFFD> sessions every 28 days from March to November, and every 56 days from November to March.





list of igraph objects


Davis, Stephen, et al. "Spatial analyses of wildlife contact networks." Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12.102 (2015): 20141004.