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Species: Acanthiza
Taxonomic class: Aves
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Canberra, Australia
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: group membership
Definition of interaction: Flock membership was identified based on frequent interactions between (such as <U+FFFD>beating<U+FFFD> for insects) flocks and large gaps between flocks. Association strength of each dyad was calculated using the simple ratio index.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 2 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day):
Time span of data collection (within a day): focal follow/ad libitum
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Farine, Damien R., and Peter J. Milburn. "Social organisation of thornbill-dominated mixed-species flocks using social network analysis." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67.2 (2013): 321-330.