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networkdata (version 0.1.4)

bkfrab: Bernard/Killworth - Fraternity (interaction)


These data concern interactions among students living in a fraternity at a West Virginia college. All subjects had been residents in the fraternity from three months to three years. BKFRAB records the number of times a pair of subjects were seen in conversation by an "unobtrusive" observer (who walked through the public areas of the building every fifteen minutes, 21 hours a day, for five days). BKFRAC contains rankings made by the subjects of how frequently they interacted with other subjects in the observation week.





igraph object


Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.

Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.

Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.

See Also
