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networkdata (version 0.1.4)

bkfrac: Bernard/Killworth - Fraternity (rankings)


These data concern interactions among students living in a fraternity at a West Virginia college. All subjects had been residents in the fraternity from three months to three years. BKFRAB records the number of times a pair of subjects were seen in conversation by an "unobtrusive" observer (who walked through the public areas of the building every fifteen minutes, 21 hours a day, for five days). BKFRAC contains rankings made by the subjects of how frequently they interacted with other subjects in the observation week.





igraph object


#' Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1980). Informant accuracy in social network data IV. Social Networks, 2, 191-218.

Bernard H. R., Killworth P. and Sailer L. (1982). Informant accuracy in social network data V. Social Science Research, 11, 30-66.

Romney A. K. and Weller S. (1984). Predicting informant accuracy from patterns of recall among individuals. Social Networks, 6, 59-78.

See Also
