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networkdata (version 0.1.4)

covert_26: Jemaah Islamiyah Koschade


Jemaah Islamiyah cell that was responsible for the Bali bombings in 2002 <U+2013> i.e. should tally with the other Bali bombing dataset from JJATT. The recording of the interaction of the cell began following the<U+00A0> meeting in the Hotel Harem in Denpasar on October 6, when the group was considered to go <U+2018>operationally covert<U+2019>, and concluded when the majority of the group had left Bali before the implementation of the operation on October 11, 2002. 1-mode matrix 17 x 17 person by person, undirected and valued. Relationships between terrorists concern who exchanged information with whom (communications exchanges). The valued relations represent the strength of the relations between the individuals, with a score of one signifying the weakest relationship such as a single text message or a financial transaction, and five signifying the strongest relationship such as individuals who resided together, or individuals who had numerous weak contacts over the period in question.





igraph object