Species: Camponotus fellah
Taxonomic class: Insecta
Population type: captive
Geographical location: University of Lausanne, Laussane, Switzerland
Data collection technique: video
Interaction type: physical contact
Definition of interaction: A pair of ants was considered to interact when the front end of one ant was located within the trapezoidal shape representing the other ant.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 1day
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 0.5 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
Note: Networks represent six separate colonies of the ant. The authors recorded the position and orientation of all individuals twice per second to reconstruct spatial movement and infer all social interactions occurring over the 41 days of the experiment.
list of igraph objects
Mersch, Danielle P., Alessandro Crespi, and Laurent Keller. "Tracking individuals shows spatial fidelity is a key regulator of ant social organization."Science 340.6136 (2013): 1090-1093.