Species: Trichosurus cunninghami
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: free-ranging
Geographical location: Cambarville, Victoria, Australia
Data collection technique: logger
Interaction type: social projection bipartite
Definition of interaction: The proximity loggers recorded the identity of interacting individuals (based on a threshold proximity set to detect den-sharing events) and the time and length of those interactions. From these data, den-sharing was recorded as a binary variable with <U+FFFD>1<U+FFFD> representing an instance of day-time den-sharing and <U+FFFD>0<U+FFFD> representing the use of separate dens for every pairwise combination of individuals on each of the 223 days of data collection.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 3 months
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 sec
Time span of data collection (within a day): 24 hours
list of igraph objects
Banks, Sam C., et al. "Adaptive responses and disruptive effects: how major wildfire influences kinship<U+2010>based social interactions in a forest marsupial." Molecular ecology 21.3 (2012): 673-684.