Species: Macaca mulatta
Taxonomic class: Mammalia
Population type: captive
Geographical location: Rijswijk, the Netherlands
Data collection technique: survey scan
Interaction type: physical contact
Definition of interaction: Edge defined based on individuals sitting in contact with eah other.
Edge weight type: frequency
Total duration of data collection: 3years
Time resolution of data collection (within a day): 1 hour
Time span of data collection (within a day): few minutes
Note: Two networks represent proximity (contact sits) and grooming patterns - who was sitting in contact with whom and who was grooming whom.
list of igraph objects
Massen, Jorg JM, and Elisabeth HM Sterck. "Stability and durability of intra-and intersex social bonds of captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)." International Journal of Primatology 34.4 (2013): 770-791.