The resulting dataframe has 16 variables associated with a specific
aspect of a drive including the scoring result, number of plays, the duration
of the drive, and the offensive and defensive teams. All 16 variables are
explained in more detail below:
"GameID" - The ID of the given Game
DriveNumber" - The respective drive number in the game
"posteam" - The offensive team on the drive
"qtr" - The quarter at the end of the drive
"fds" - Number of first downs in the drive
"result" - End result of the drive
"penyds" - Net penalty yards of the drive for the offensive team
"ydsgained" - Number of yards gained on the drive
"numplays" - Number of plays on the drive
"postime" - The duration of the drive
"StartQrt" - The quarter at the beginning of the drive
"StartTime - The time left in the quarter at the start of the drive
"StartYardln" - Yardline at the start of the drive
"StartTeam" - The offensive team on the drive
"EndQrt" - The quarter at the end of the drive
"EndTime - The time left in the quarter at the end of the drive
"EndYardln" - Yardline at the end of the drive
"EndTeam" - The offensive team on the drive